Only support and interest in Myanmar “Thank you Koreans”

Only support and interest in Myanmar "Thank you Koreans"

Only support and interest in Myanmar "Thank you Koreans"

이이 흐닌 쏘씨가 미얀마 독립을 요구하는 팻말을 들고 있다. 사진 = 이이 흐닌 쏘씨 제공
아시아에서 유일하게 미얀마에 관심을 가져 주시는 한국 분들에게!I’d like to say thank you very much.이br>Myanmar nationality Ih Ninh So 29 is constantly informing Myanmar’s situation in Korean through

Facebook.As the
family participates in protests against military dictatorship, the
Myanmar situation is a direct threat to Hnin Soh in Korea, more than 3,000 kilometers away.In Myanmar, which has been protesting for 45 days, there are voices of gratitude for Koreans. The Myanmar people said, “Korea is the only country that cares about and supports democracy.”

held in Korea!Myanmar’s pro-democracy protests! More than 3,000 cheering comments were posted on the Facebook page, and the number of Korean YouTube videos, which say, “Br>
Help Myanmar!” exceeded 100,000.”br”


Jimong>, who came to Kyung Hee University from Myanmar, is protesting in front of the Ochetuji on the 12th. 사진 = 오진영 기자

지난 12일 대한불교 조계종 스님들과 미얀마 대사관 앞 시위에 참여한 헤이만31은

아시아에서 오직 한국만이 미얀마를 위해 지지와 연대를 보내주고 있다며 눈물을 흘렸다.

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