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We emit more tritium than Japan


We emit more tritium than Japan

image text translation

(1)D No Cut News
(2)We multiply tritium more than Japan
(3)the outgoing government
(4)CBS No Cut News Reporter Kwon Min-chul Enter 2023810527
(6)Who spreads the ghost story, the people or the government
(7)Three stages of glass WEG marine products
(8)Park Gu-yeon, a reporter at the Office for Government Policy Coordination, Park Jong-min, the first deputy
(9)My Government have made it clear that they have never dismissed the concerns and anxieties that people feel when they first come across information about contaminated water as a ghost story

We emit more tritium than Japan

image text translation

(1)D No Cut News
(2)Fukushima’s 10 Contaminated Water Charges
(3)science and truth
(4)I will protect the health of the people
(5)Government of the Republic of Korea
(6)Capture of Korea Policy Briefing
(7)It was only about 20 days ago
(8)The government has published 10 mysterious stories about Fukushima’s polluted water
(9)He also posted this ghost story on the government’s official website, the Korea Policy Briefing
(10)Let’s put the ghost story number 6 in the middle. Underneath the picture

We emit more tritium than Japan

image text translation

(1)D No Cut News
(2)Ghost Story 06
(3)There’s another way
(4)I’m releasing it into the sea to save money
(5)Dilute tritium into the ocean
(6)The discharge is internationally used
(7)It’s a normal process
(8)All nuclear power plants generate tritium, which is why
(9)The countries that have nuclear power plants have tritium
(10)It’s released into the sea according to discharge standards
(11)Currently, tritium emission allowance per liter is 37,000 becquerels in the U.S., 60,000 becquerels in Japan, 40,000 becquerels in Korea, China is privateFukushima’s pollutants are much lower than these standards
(12)It’s lowered to 1,500 becquerels and discharged for 30 years
(13)Of course, discharge costs less than landfill
(14)It’s political incitement to exaggerate this part of the cost
(15)annual by country
(16)19 years 1714
(17)Korea 20
(18)Capture of Korea Policy Briefing
(19)In particular, the Yoon Suk Yeoln government excused Japan’s dumping of contaminated water into the sea, saying that diluting tritium from the mysterious house and discharging it into the sea is a common treatment method used internationally

a crazy government

We emit more tritium than Japan

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