LK99 Superconductor May Not Have Meissner Effect

LK99 Superconductor May Not Have Meissner Effect

image text translation

(1)Children’s Science Dong-A Children’s Math Dong-A
(2)Magazine Infographic Science Dong-A Q Major and Career Admission Information Center
(3)Lab Exploration Curriculum Map Science Exploration Experiment
(4)Choi Dong-sik, a professor at Korea University, presented a breakthrough in the study of superconductivity against the wall
(5)Choi Dong-sik, a professor at Korea University, presented a breakthrough in superconducting research
(6)I would like to point out that the existing BCS theory of interpreting superconductivity is wrong
(7)In the late 1980s, the world’s scientific community was plagued by a superconducting craze Following the computer revolution, most scientists did not hesitate to recommend superconductivity as a scientific revolution that marked the end of the 20th century That’s because the development of superconductors can solve humanity’s immediate problem of energy at once
(8)Superconductivity is a phenomenon in which current flows without resistance Most materials have a superconductivity phenomenon when the temperature is lowered to 0°C-273°C. The problem is to develop a material that causes superconductivity even at a certain high temperature, very low temperature
(9)In 1911, Ones in the Netherlands discovered the absolute temperature of 4 degrees in mercury, but the temperature rise that caused the critical temperature superconductivity remained at 19K for 75 years
(10)Under these circumstances, groundbreaking electricity generated lanthanum-barium-copper oxides that caused superconductivity near Bednorz and Müller 30K at IBM’s Zurich Laboratory in 1986 For the next three to four years, the critical temperature rose so rapidly that the word “fever” was appropriate, and by the end of 1986, it was reported that 90K of itirium-based oxide was discovered by Dr. Chu of the University of Houston in the United States in early ’86
(11)Limitations of BCS Theory
(12)In January 1988, a superconductor exceeding 100K was announced in Japan, and titanium-based oxides representing superconductivity at 100K appeared at the World Superconductive Conference held at about the same time
(13)In domestic universities and research institutes, electricity is also around 100K
(14)There have been reports of the discovery of superconductors whose resistance has been eliminated
(15)But in the 1990s, this craze suddenly started to cool down
(16)I did. Why
(17)Choi Dong-sik, a professor of chemistry at Korea University, said, “The superconductivity phenomenon
(18)claimed that it was because the right understanding was not preceded
(19)A new wave of superconducting research on the multi-wall
(20)Professor Choi Dong-sik, who is leading the research on differential superconductors
(21)have met
(22)-Written on a new superconducting study at the end of September
(23)I heard you wear them Superconducting Research and Best of All
(24)What’s the difference between the new superconducting study
(25)Do you have it
(26)It’s not the difference, but the superconducting research has hit the wall
(27)I’ll start with Uas is well known, a prefecture of superconductivity
(28)The basic theory that explains the image. The BCS theory
(29)In , the challenge pair theory has dominated superconducting researchers, and it has to be destroyed to create a challenge
(31)I want to point out that the date is wrong
(32)- he didn’t win the Nobel Prize in 1972 for his cui theory
(33)But if the electrons are paired, the magnetic susceptibility is zero
(34)It’s the beginning, but in this situation, I’m tall
(35)No. The former has zero double magnetization in real space
(36)The amount of exercise that does not form but only in the empty space
(37)It’s just like the energy and the energy value
(38)BCS theory appeared in the 50s, and superconductivity was already higher than this theory
(39)The former Soviet Union and Dong-gu, who broadly theorize about the phenomenon
(40)The BCS1972 will be the first to win the Nobel Prize in annual awards
(41)I’m saying that I couldn’t stop other opinions
(42)At that time, the direction of the study before the cold war was discovered by the crisis of distortion
(43)That’s a lot of possibilities. Choi’s explanation is a lot of people
(44)-What are the characteristics of Professor Choi’s new superconducting theory
(45)The entropy must be low in order for superconducting to happen
(46)But even if the entropy decreases well
(47)No way. Location is equal to the exercise volume exercise style
(48)We have to limit it to the enemy. Jedale is a military man
(49)You need to do uniform exercise like you’re working out hard Just order Jinjari dong again
(50)It’s too small. I’ll leave the ball at home. Bye
(51)It’s a dog that means you have to go wild. It’s a group of thoughts
(52)The concept of short vibrations is oscillation. I’m going to start with a house, lation
(53)At first, I thought I’d find a book that I’ve been reading lately
(54)Irisvich of Poland
(55)He didn’t use it
(56)Choi Gyo-nyeon, 19, drew a similar conclusion to Jae in the 70th year
(57)And Rasvich of Dungal, Poland, and his teacher
(58)They say they’re looking for the old Soviet Bogoliouf
(59)So Professor Choi’s theory is just a rediscovery
(60)No, it’s not a mass vibration, but the outside of the electron that was moving around is important for everything When a collective vibration is introduced from a field, the Chinese characters go as particles, that is, the electron is finished
(62)It’s time to burn. Wave
(63)The location of the tunneling is low in temperature
(64)When the mass is very low, the waves will be able to move electrons
(65)Last name B
(66)I’ve seen it as a particle, but I’m looking at it as a copper
(67)It’s a big differenceIt’s a quantum mechanical perspective
(68)On top of that, the theory is that superconductivity is a kind of electronic teaching
(69)If you look at it as a liquid flow, not as a gas flow, it’s easy to have a gas blade when it’s superconducting, but the pressure like the same conditions is at the same density, so to sum up the electron flow liquid
(70)I’m in the middle of course
(71)on the same page
(72)The price is gradually small. Personality claims Han Go-go Dong-hyun
(73)as a prize
(74)Explain that the resistance becomes zero when determined
(75)Professor Choi was involved in quantum research, so even if it’s a conference held in Das, such as the theory of superconductors, superconductors, multinationals, and themselves, it’s actually 198 theory that we’re going to hear about
(76)Los Al-Nyon Ramo Will Reach
(79)It’s called solidity
(80)Cho Soon-tak also supports the theory of liquid substances such as Dr
(81)-In the end, it’s a theoretical error, and it’s the result of today’s superconductor research
(82)I mean, he hit a wall
(83)Yes, but I think there’s a little bitSuperconductivity studies are well aware that the theory of sea price BCS does not account for superconductivity at high temperaturesTherefore, regardless of the high-temperature superconducting CS, there are many people who study the body, and since the development of the superconductor is pouring in, there is a problem with the U.S. to select only those that satisfy it This is the reference barrier that I described in my article, for example, in the reference frame, when a magnetic field is applied to an effect superconductor, a semi-magnetic phenomenon must appear, and I think it’s a superconductor
(84)at B
(85)in many directions
(86)the original
(88)Stay there
(89)I’m blocking you
(90)I think about everything
(91)You only need to take what you need
(92)I explained the theory that I met a reporter for the third time For example, it is only his time to smoke
(93)one’s true self
(94)Critical temperature critical
(95)It can flow, and the critical magnetic field needs to growHowever, the reality is that it only needs to be used high as necessary, which means that if you want to use it on the primary wire that conducts the current transmission, you don’t need to raise it to the critical field
(99)If you eventually develop a superconductor that fits your purpose, a superconductor
(100)His theory is that development can grow rapidly
(101)Choi Gyo-jae’s son was preparing for a patent for a search dog that conforms to God’s theory, but there were a lot of people who met the framework of the standard, and he was abandoned because there was no one else
(103)The superconductor that was ignored by the new superconductor theory will get a new lifeHis development of the superconductor accidentally made the alchemy priceless gemstone fall, and it’s a wall that can be fully demonstrated in the future, and it can explain why it’s ignored for lack of reproducibility, so diagnosis and prescription have become clear according to the requirements
(104)a lot of
(105)It’s been an experiment
(106)- Have you discussed Professor Choi’s theory with other scholars in Korea
(107)Don’t you have an enemy
(108)And in the midst of that, we still feel like we’re going to study I don’t try to accept it easily unless it’s a method that I’m familiar with, but I also dramatically lost to the helpersIn order to see the light, physics, chemistry, metal, electronics, materials, chemicals, and so on, you have to write down a variety of different fields, but there are more people who are looking at you in the evening We’re currently organizing a new conceptual novice research group, which will involve 20 people, 5 people, and so on from the academic communityI’ve done all the scholarships and all the things
(109)a barrier
(111)conducting a demonstration of anger
(112)a driving tank
(115)a five-man industry
(116)Q: I’d like to introduce people who are actively researching
(117)Park Sung-ho, professor of electronics at Korea University, Lee Hong-hee, professor of chemical engineering at Seoul, Kwon Dong-yong, professor of patent chemistry at KIST, and Hong Yang-ki, deputy director of the Dongyang Chemical Research Institute, are watching Among them, Won-hye, Seo-young, and Seo-hyung of Seoul National University, Lim Nam-dae, who are not dependent on Ki theory
(118)Peasant Republic of Korea
(119)I have high expectations for Professor Kang Dae Yoo Jae-joon and others
(120)- This superconductor connection room is in our department
(121)You emphasized that it will contribute greatly to the development of science and technology
(122)It’s only going to be technological advancement, so I’m going to be very successful The application of superconductors is almost completely absent from the energy sector, from telecommunications, computers, healthcare, and communications So let’s think that we can take the lead in these studiesYou could say that the government is in desperate need of active support
(125)I didn’t think of a Nobel Prize with this theory
(126)Well, I’ve already had four trials, and they could all come from physics or scienceI’ll get angry at least once in the night
(128)- Do you have any intention of publishing this theory in international academic journals or authoritative journals
(129)I’ll have to do it after I’m on Science Dong-A I talk a lot Can such a person find a foreign authority from the beginning
(130)a person who does sheep science
(131)When Professor Choi first gave a special lecture on physics and chemistry to students in the beginning of the previous year, if he emphasized the uniqueness of oriental science, he said, “Let’s go into the electronic subjugation for natural phenomena.”
(132)to this day
(133)Reporter Kim Doo-hee Photo by Lee Jong-seung, Reporter Science Dong-a, 1993 No. 09
(134)D-library free of charge
(135)I’m going to apply! For you
(136)You can enter up to 150 characters in the comments

This is an interview with Professor Choi Dong-sik in 1993 that suggested the core theory of LK99

I think this is the most important part

“The most ideal superconductor would have to have a high critical temperature, a high critical current, and a large critical magnetic field But that’s not the case It means that you only have to use the parts that you can raise as needed If you want to use a superconductor for a current-carrying wire, you don’t have to have a high critical current, and you don’t have to worry about the critical current because it’s going to have to be very weak

As if you had developed a superconductor with zero resistance with little or no Meissner effect from the beginning

If you have time, read them all. It’s fun

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