Why Nightingale was not punished even if he robbed a military warehouse.jpg

Why Nightingale was not punished even if he robbed a military warehouse.jpg

image text translation

(1)Florence Nightingale
(2)He took a hammer and robbed a military warehouse
(3)or shouting in front of military officers and generals
(4)He’s been teaching officers all over the place
(5)The military healthcare system in front of the generals
(6)I even peeled it
(7)There are a lot of unique stories
(8)You’ll be curious about one thing

Why Nightingale was not punished even if he robbed a military warehouse.jpg

image text translation

(1)Wasn’t it a time of intense discrimination against women
(2)No matter how talented you are, can a woman be possible
(3)Even the military at war would be very strict
(4)How did you get away with it’
(5)There’s a very realistic reason
(6)Florence Nightingale is
(7)to come from the highest echelons of England
(8)To a certain extent, my father had a connection to the royal family
(9)All kinds of ministers and military dignitaries
(10)They all knew each other
(11)He actually wanted to marry Nightingale
(12)There’s a line of high-class aristocratic men, but they’re all abandoned
(13)I was born in a private villa in Florence, Italy
(14)Florence, Italy, is right
(15)Flores = English name for Florence
(16)My sister was born in Naples
(17)The reason why two English sisters have different birthplaces is because
(18)During this period, my parents traveled around the world for 3 years
(19)In other words, it means a family that is well-off
(20)Even by the standards of this era, it’s a well-off house if it’s a world trip
(21)What a great family by the standards of that time
(23)He has a strong personality and a strong platform
(24)It’s actually helpful to the military
(25)He had a good reputation among the soldiers
(26)connected to the royal family
(27)You’re a top-class kid
(28)I couldn’t really touch it
(29)a man of the heavenly dragon
(30)In fact, there was a general who used to fold it
(31)The nightingale is hand-made
(32)He wrote a letter to the queen and took care of it
(33)Discrimination against women lol
(34)Class discrimination OO
(35)And at the time, the Queen of England
(36)It was Queen Victoria

Why Nightingale was not punished even if he robbed a military warehouse.jpg

image text translation

(1)Be jealous whenever I think about it 07-23 14889870
(2)Nightingale’s biggest achievement was unexpectedly cleanliness 15 move
(3)I’m jealous whenever I think of it 2023-07-23 1234210
(4)It’s about 60 to 65 survival rates in other hospitals on a simple trauma basis, but at Nightingale Hospital, 98 had to be changed, and sometimes there were some bickering pups, but I sent a letter to the Queen and sent her that kitty
(5)LD I’m jealous every time I think of it 2023-07-23 1224430
(6)More than anything, her nickname is a poor girl, inside a horse with a hammer
(7)I didn’t knock on the head of a baby, I used it to break down the warehouse
(8)Pizia 2023-07-23 124835
(9)I can only think of the concept and meaning of cleanliness as a superhuman or a person with foresight in that’s really amazing
(10)Additional explanation One of Nightingale’s unknown achievements is that he was the first to graph statistics, and he was actually a great statistician who would go down in the history of statistics and saved countless lives We have to study statistics to understand God’s idea He emphasized the importance of statistics, saying that the power of statistics can gauge God’s intentions, and the reason why soldiers die of disease in hospitals is hygiene, or cleanliness In the process, as people found it difficult to understand complex figures, they first created a diagram to persuade people to emphasize the importance of hospital hygiene, reducing the death rate of soldiers in the hospital from 42 to 2 in five months The diagram she made was called the rose diagram because it was similar to the shape of a rose
(11)Recommended reply
(12)Nearby carriage 2023-07-23 150613670
(13)Best 3
(14)Mimi mimi00523 23 hours
(15)A reply to mimi00523
(16)He’s very authoritative, strong, a little nervous
(17)He was a good politician, a good argument, and most importantly, he didn’t give me supplies on the battlefield
(18)I ignored her because she was a girl or something like that
(19)That’s what I know Hold the hammer and go to the storage room
(20)A woman with a hammer
(21)It was called by soldiers The Crimean War
(22)A Time magazine reporter who came to cover it heard the name
(23)It’s too provocative for an article
(24)I thought about it and changed it to a woman with a lamp
(25)Nightingale held the lamp high and between the beds
(26)Gurney became an angel Yes, Jjokka23
(27)He hammered the warehouse for supplies
(28)He was called a woman with a hammer, but I want you to cover him
(29)The reporter said, “Oh, that’s not good. The lady with the lamp.”
(30)I was recognized as a nurse who feels like a saint

But the Lady of the Lantern is probably right, because there was a story like that where she barely slept and checked the patient’s condition

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