Spaap Superconductor Controversy Ends

Spaap Superconductor Controversy Ends

image text translation

(1)I’ll talk to the extent that I know
(2)It’s almost 100%
(3)● What’s going on? museun_happen22 hours
(4)Korea University invented the world’s first superconductor operating at 1 atmosphere at room temperature
(5)It hasn’t been verified yet, but if it can be commercialized, the world will change
(6)ill 320,000
(7)First of all, that picture I took is a PPMS device used to analyze the physical properties of this paper. The original paper published in arxiv also revealed that it was analyzed using PPMS in DGIST
(8)It’s a very unreliable piece of data from my weak insight into magnetic properties and from my reading of the chemistry paper
(9)First of all, the original tweet stated that it was synthesized by Korea University, but Korea University is not related to Korea University because it is a professor of the correspondence author of the above paper
(10)The first author is Lee Seok-bae, whose affiliation is Quantum Energy Research Centre Inc If you search for the address that comes after that through Naver or Kakao Map, you will get additional information about it
(11)State Quantum Energy Research Institute
(12)Business registration number 215-87-17458
(13)The number of employees is 2, and the year of establishment is 2008
(14)As for the first author, Lee Seok-bae, we found the following facts through the information on the website of the Quantum Energy Research Institute, which is now not accessed due to excessive traffic
(15)Current CEO of Quantum Energy Research Institute 2008–present
(16)Former professor of information and communication engineering at Dongguk University
(17)A former researcher at the Institute of Basic Science at Korea University’s College
(18)Doctor of Superconductivity, Department of Fine Device Engineering, Korea University of Technology
(19)Master of Science in Chemistry and Physical Chemistry at Korea University
(20)Presentation Paper International Journal SCI Class 2
(21)In Korea, all thesis papers can be found by searching on RISS, so his seat
(22)I was able to find my dissertation on history and my Ph.D. thesis without difficulty
(23)a master’s thesis
(24)Explanation of Superconducting Phenomenon by Lee Seok-bae ISB Theory: Master’s thesis in Korea
(25)1995 Seoul
(26)Ph.D. thesis
(27)A Study on the Theoretical Proposal and Synthesis of a New Polymer Superconductor in Korea, Lee Seok-bae
(28)Rye University Graduate School 2004 Seoul
(29)It’s not common in science and engineering to take nine years to get a doctorate after getting a master’s degree
(30)But I won’t comment on this
(31)Now let’s take a look at why this paper is so hard to trust
(32)In the field of new materials that synthesize new materials in chemistry and analyze their properties
(33)Usually, before analyzing its properties, the material that you made is what you wanted
(34)The procedure to verify is always carried out first
(36)1 When it is impossible to determine whether the result I performed through the synthesis process is a failure or not
(37)It’s the door
(38)2 Performing an analysis of properties with a failure is meaningless in terms of cost or time
(39)It’s because of the excessive consumption
(40)So let’s look at the paper that was published with the same author and topic
(41)A Study on the Development of LK-99 Superconductor at Room Temperature and Pressure
(42)Before we go in, let’s take a look at the green
(43)We’re looking at the flow and limitations of traditional physics thinking
(44)As a scholar, I think it’s a very bold declaration
(45)And the clue to Yuqihoe
(46)Through the theoretical background presented from the perspective of statistical thermodynamic liquid theory, this paper examines the flow and limitations of physicists’ thoughts on the existing superconducting phenomenon
(47)It was described that superconductors can be developed at room temperature The way this is possible is to transfer electrons closer to 1-Dimension, where the number of states they can travel is significantly limited
(48)What should be self-contained is that electrons in that state should be in a state where electron-electronic interaction is frequent enough to exhibit liquid properties These threads
(49)As an example, we report the development data of the name of the room temperature Sangam superconductor developed in this study, which obtained accidental Giseohoe sillari and revealed its structure through numerous experiments
(50)It summarizes the theoretical experimental evidence for the discovery and properties of superconducting materials that exceed the critical 97°C in commerce for the first time in the world
(51)Now, many labs and scholars around the world are working on superconductors
(52)To achieve this, we’re going to analyze hundreds of materials are synthesized materials
(53)When all of the materials are clearly not successful, the results of the research are not good, that is, the specificity of the materials
(54)It’s a bad sex
(55)But most of the labs that I know about these materials are papers
(56)I’m going to write it because the smart people I’m going to study are going to synthesize the material and thread it
(57)To make sure you don’t lose
(58)That is, crying is a wrong answer. It’s a reminderI did
(59)I hope you can get a good paper if you put it into practice and accumulate research results
(61)In the case of Jay Seok-bae and Ener, the author of Sequential 1, the case of such a delay in implementation
(62)There has never been a publication of a mistakeWe’re not going to let this author know
(63)What kind of research, what kind of procedures did you do
(64)There’s no way to know if you’ve stepped on it
(65)I feel like I’m reading the answers without the wrap-up process First of all, I’m going to introduce
(66)It’s hard to erase doubts about authenticity
(67)But I’ll put on my teethIt’s a short view that I got it by accident through the synthesis of material number 1
(68)Let’s decide
(69)The paper was published in the Journal of the Korean Society for Decision and Growth
(70)The journal IF025 in this paper has a division IF of 063
(71)Uh, I’m starting to want to stop looking into it
(72) AK2MARU Then
(73)Let’s take a look
(74)What’s surprising is that it’s an amazing material that shows superconductivity at room temperature and atmospheric pressure
(75)I’ve never been in the department of figure in Chapter 4 of Twitter
(76)It’s not working
(77)Regarding the results of the argument measurement
(78)The structure of Ape is
(79)AKIMARU AK2MARU For those of you studying 5-hour chemistry, this means
(80)You can stop watching it here
(81)Same thing and I don’t know what they synthesized but I synthesized thermo-pressure superconducting!The bar is next
(82)I don’t even know if my sample is valid, but I’m Sang
(83)Salt 12
(84)And it’s all the more relevant to the conclusion. What is it? In fact, this paper is different from the claim that we found a permanent organ
(85)The water roots are said to be among the physicists
(86)The possibility of a room-temperature and atmospheric-pressure supercell, which seems to be a son, suggests the possibility of a room-temperature and atmospheric-pressure supercell, on the other hand
(87)Tile and iron FeTemperature
(88)Japan’s Hosono46 gourd opens new series of superconducting materials
(89)The second of the ID material can confirm the structure of the company’s paper, which suggests the possibility of conducting the same APATITE
(90)The temperature that I’m going to add is, if you look at the magnetic graph, the moment that went up to arxiv
(91)It’s a result that needs to be remeasured In the final paper, the graph that Olaf can’t do
(92)There is no errort in the low data poin near FC 250K, so the results of the experiment show that the obar length is longer and trending
(94)AKIMARU AK2MARU 5 hours, even if you compare the pattern with the one published in the Journal of the Korean Society for Crystalline Growth, you can see that the author has failed to express himself
(95)Results of the same grain for p in the same samdong experiment
(96)ryohae experimental material
(97)AKIMARU AK2MARU 5 hours Even more spectacular Korea is wrong again by referring to the Crystal Growth Society Memu M is a unit of magnetic moment, so we have to use u and we have to use it
(98)I went up, right? The f unit is
(99)It’s you.
(100)There is no mass of sample In the next paper, emug
(101)That’s what I’s like
(102)AKIMARU AK2MARU 5 hours. Surprisingly, I’m debating the difference between the results of these two papers right now
(103)Rennon Moonfwabo, important day, is the same as me
(105)In a paper published in AKIMARU AK2MARU5 hours arxiv, you finally analyzed the miraculous material to see if it was the material I wantedXRD: I’m the only one here, and by the time we get to die, we’re gonna need to know where the chemists are going to get their blood pressure
(106)I think that’s why
(107)U5 Time XRD is the crystal structure of matter, the arrangement of atoms, and of course it’s syntheticI just need to say that the reactants used are like part-time jobs
(108)in the knowledge of
(109)Tin Box Thermal Separation Method
(110)my two-way home
(111)The problem is that the chemical formula for this material is Pb10-x Cux PO460Because of the credibility problem of the paper, I’m now questioning whether the real sample has that chemistry, but even if you leave it, you don’t know how much XRD it isLead or copper in the crystal structure
(115)MARU 5 hours is not for reproducibility. Even the super low x changes slightly x = 09 to 10, so 223AKIMARU AK2 Chemical Formula is low
(116)For example, the compositional analysis has its own magnetic properties
(117)a sudden change in appearance
(118)a temperament and bias
(119)And finally, here’s the reason why I was convinced that this paper was hard to believe
(120)In other words, even the superconducting phase reduces volume with ions in it doesn’t existIt occurs in the place where the lead ion was, and it causes the superconducting phenomenon
(121)Near-coordinated analysis
(122)I’m sure he used another method If copper ions are added instead of lead, the crystal structure will be different
(123)It could be different, so it’s published in the paper
(124)I had no choice but to search the author and his address right after I saw this picture
(125)First of all, I’ve never seen a crystal structure of a molecule drawn like that in my life
(126)This is the crystal structure taken from the paper above That’s how you see the shock crisis, and usually the crystal lattice file that can be downloaded in the paper
(127)It’s common to have only one paper
(129)It’s against me
(130)AKIMARU AK2MA RU5 hour configured Do not admit that the fi paper is almost fraudulent in the paper, but the crystal structure is distorted by turning Pb10-xCux x=09-1
(131)I can’t believe I’m using this much
(132)I want to
(133)A turtle shell will replace lead 9 to 10
(134) AK2 MARU 5 o’clock It would have just been twisted without an analysis of how the conciseness structure was twisted, and when the Collegues reproduced this experimental result, this number one would have been changed
(135)I did it. But later
(136)Can the authors measure the warped forest in Sir Samelle the same way
(137)AKIMARU AK2ARU5 The authors of this paper, at least if so, need further research
(138)I can’t support this sample
(139)We have to talk about it
(140)AKIMARU AK2MARU 5 o’clock Conclusionally, this study was conducted by a scholar who had previously achieved superconductors versus any research results and received a Ph.D. paper 19 years ago. The effectiveness of the synthesis phase was spread across two papers. ♡ 3
(141)It’s not enough
(142)I don’t check
(143)I did it
(144)AKIMARU AK2 MARU-4 hours Both papers say that the existing physics system is not sure whether the exact chemical properties of the synthesized sample are ambiguous and it is unclear whether they can be synthesized again 01224ill
(145)Pointing out the limitations of looking at the sample itself, the same science fee
(146)ARU 4 hours additional two papers indicate that it has been supported by the Korea Research Foundation and its research number is 2019R111 A1A01059675However, it is applicable to the Korea Federation of Science and Technology
(147)There’s no research selection task. No
(148)Status of selection tasks
(149)I can do it. Week 1, 2009 So far, it seems to be the selection criteriaIt can be different from Choi Jiwon’s officeResearch Planning Research Group
(150)Search within results
(151)Return to Main Screen
(152)There are no search results corresponding to the search term you entered
(153) AK2MA Addition2 This amazing location on the first basement floor was carried out at the Quantum Energy Research Institute and the venture
(155)Up is good for this
(156)Yang Interior
(157)Daejung-ro 20-gil, Songsong-ro 23-gil
(158) AK2MARU What does the company want to google
(159)If it’s easy to search, you can find the homepage and guess it’s not that difficult
(161)Quantum Energy Research Institute Research Centre Inc. Quantum Energy Research Institute is the world’s first global technology company to develop core technologies based on source technology that has developed room temperature and atmospheric pressure superconductors
(163)Based on the original technology that has developed and secured the world’s first room temperature superconductor, atmospheric pressure
(164)Company Overview Company Name Main Quantum Energy Research Institute Major Project Room Temperature Atmospheric Pressure Superconductor RD
(165)World’s first basic description of room temperature superconductor See the results of the world gcentreokr search at Quantum Energy Research Institute for magnetic levitation train wind power generators > Conductor based on source technology secured by super-phase pressure development
(166)AKIMARU AK2MARU – The 4-hour Apatite structure is unique in its c-axis properties, which is a substance that imparts anisotrop electronic structure. It is described in detail in Professor Oh Geun-ho’s prior study 44 where a complex material with an electronic structure close to an ID condensation occurs when doping impurities to this structure This paper provides surprising data on maintaining superconductivity above room temperature and above 100 degrees Celsius under normal pressure, and discusses the approach of physicists to understand the existing but old statistical logic of Professor Choi
(167)Physical to the ab axis
(168)I hope to help
(169)The reason why AKIMARU AK2 MARU-4 is so heated is that most Labdans spend a lot of money and time trying to determine the reproducibility of this research around the world In the worst case, the original method of the synthesis method is because the author and the collegue do not go away
(172)It’s going to last quite a long time that the original author’s synthesis claims to be successful and the academic community doesn’t accept itIra 416/72023 PM 27/1960 inquiry month

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