unexpectedly deep-rooted taste.jpg

unexpectedly deep-rooted taste.jpg

image text translation

(1)How did the word Woongjin come into being
(2)The man is in the mountains
(3)Once upon a time, there lived a female bear in Yeonmisan MountainOne day, a man came across the river
(4)I was doing a tree
(5)The bear kept the man in a cave
(6)Oh, my
(7)Stay quiet in this cave
(8)When a bear goes hunting, the man runs away
(9)After spending a day or two with a bear, I gave birth to a baby
(10)I blocked the entrance with a big rock so I couldn’t go

unexpectedly deep-rooted taste.jpg

image text translation

(1)After giving birth to two cubs, the bear believed the man would not run away
(2)One day, a bear went into a cave
(3)He went hunting without stopping him
(4)Then, I think it’s time for a man
(5)When I saw the man crossing the river, I asked him to come back, but he only crossed the river
(6)and exit the cave
(7)When the bear was turned away, he jumped into the water with his hands full
(8)Believing that it was because of the bear’s grudge, people built a shrine to soothe the soul, and the storm subsided
(9)After the bear’s death, there was a storm
(10)Since then, I’ve been calling this place Gomnaru Ongjin_ Ship could not be operated

Puri-chung (meaning ‘puri-chung’)

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