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How the FBI drove an actress to suicide


How the FBI drove an actress to suicide

How the FBI drove an actress to suicide

image text translation

(1)Everything between Sami 2 Jeonseburg that you’re obsessed with
(2)How does the FBI work
(3)Did you break down Hollywood star Jinseberg
(4)Between You Stealing 2
(6)FBI killed him!
(7)While you’re connected, I’ll ride on his life
(9)Surveillance and wiretapping
(10)allow for all acts aimed at neutralizing
(11)Your N12 house. His life
(12)It’s being monitored 24 hours a day
(13)Induce chronic paranoia delusional disorder
(14)Operation FB of the second generation of the 2nd generation
(15)Don’t open their mail and keep it private
(16)Make sure you know there’s always an FBI agent behind them
(17)While You’re Enthusiastic 2
(18)CoinTel Pro Counter Intelligence program With the aim of neutralizing people and organizations that resist the state
(19)FBI surveillance programmes that carried out indiscriminate operations
(20)Jean-Dorothy Seiberg
(21)November 13, 1938
(22)Marshall Town, Iowa, United States
(23)August 30, 1979 40 years old
(25)There was a Hollywood star named Gene Seberg
(26)The FBI proceeded with that code of conduct, eventually leading to mental illness and suicide
(27)I’m scared of the FBI
(28)I want him to know that he’s being watched and bugged around the clock
(29)with a terrible look
(30)The subject is aware that he’s being watched and editing everything
(31)Suffering, delusional, schizophrenic mind
(32)Tell the people around you that the FBI seems to be bugging and spying on me
(33)Of course, he’s treated like a madman
(34)I’m sure they’re spying on me and bugging me, but no one believes me
(35)I’m going crazy. I’m going crazy
(36)Seiberg was involved in the movement of black human rights, and in the East, in particular, in the Black Panther Party
(37)But this led to the FBI’s operation between 195671 and Cointele years
(38)Majority of ProCounterCOINTELPRO Intelligence Program operations
(39)John Edgar Hoover, who was one of the targets, was one of the most popular people in the world about Seiberg
(40)To discredit him, to bring him to Los Angeles, to Los Angeles
(41)Stimes’ Column JonistheaverJoycis would have lost to Haber, Seiberg e
(42)The black man who is the cause of the black vote party. Fake affection was leaked, and the time report was sent
(43)Berg was subjected to all sorts of dirty black propaganda
(44)Later, I told F.B. that I had been monitoring Seaburg between 1969 and 72
(45)at the expense of documents
(46)The National Intelligence Service said it was a human rights movement
(47)The reason why there are so many conspiracy theories in the U.S. is because of this
(48)It’s because

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