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Characteristics of Jinta speech


Characteristics of Jinta speech

image text translation

(1)What do you want me to do
(2)Longer hair
(3)No plan
(4)I’m not cursing
(5)National fruit and fruit and fruits and vegetables
(6)Papa, papa, papa, papa, papa, papa, papa, papa
(7)National Policy Policy and Policy Division
(8)- It’s because I’m lonely. – Only dogs
(9)It’s like a loop animation
(10)Should I go to a meeting or something
(11)● Oppa is the eternal oppa in my heart. Oppa! The polarization gets worse like thisLee Ho, kkkkkkkkkkkkkk[Laughing] Ooh
(12)I think it’ll end with “Oh” at the end
(14)I think the characteristic of Jjindda is
(15)One side is asking questions, and the other side is only hurting
(16)ENFJ, grow your hair
(17)What do you want me to do
(18)● Puppy room
(20)● Puppy
(21)the significance of nationality. the significance of nationality. the significance of nationality
(22)I’m going to go to the fruit family
(23)It’s like a semi-in-lawless MARDI loop animation
(24)I think it’ll end with just doing it
(25)Fruits, fruits, fruits, fruits
(26)One side asks a question, and the other side hurts
(27)He’s only answering
(28)Don’t be so solemn
(29)Jjindda says the right thing
(30)No, it’s not Jjin-dda
(31)What do you want me to do
(32)- Puppy room
(33)[Laughing] [Laughing]
(34)(Singing “Kook”)Book, book, book, book
(35)● It’s strong
(36)Don’t be so solemn
(37)No, that’s not Jjin Dda
(38)Jjindda really likes factsHow mentally healthy are you to film so many good videos I’m so jealous
(39)- It’s a river
(40)Society of Scientific Sciences
(41)- Puppy
(42)[Laughing] [Laughing]Korean science book book book science lol
(43)● Just the dog
(44)the externalities of all things
(45)Don’t be so solemn. Part → Won
(46)How mentally healthy are you
(47)I’m filming a lot of good videos like this I’m so jealous
(48)⑥ Instagram Picture Comerainbow No plan to grow hair
(49)The department of the department of the department of the department of the department of the department of the department[Laughing] [Laughing]
(50)● It’s a river
(51)the external response of all things
(52)Don’t be so solemn
(53)I’m just saying it right
(54)Extremely different from Korea lol
(55)National fruit, department, department, department, department, department
(56)It’s like a loop animation – not a puppy lol
(57)a portrait of a man.Sangsei
(58)Don’t be so solemn ㅌREETEE
(59)My friend bought new clothes
(60)I get rid of fatigue
(61)hair oil
(63)A task plan for the task of the task
(64)the voice of all things
(65)One side asks a question, and the other side gets hurt
(66)Don’t be so solemn
(67)All my friends know that he doesn’t look good in that outfit If you’re mentally healthy
(68)To film a lot of good videos
(69)I’m so jealous
(70)Picture, come
(71)Nationality is qualified
(72)a catastrophe book[Laughing]
(73)[Laughing] [Laughing]
(74)It’s all because I’m lonely
(75)Obsessed with the fact that it’s true
(76)I won’t tell you
(77)● Whoo
(78)[Laughing]Fruits, fruits, fruits, and fruits
(79)It’s because I’m lonely, because I’m half-mullied
(80)No, he’s not
(81)● Baggy 1
(82)I’m really jealous
(83)Oh, I think I know. ● Whoo
(84)But he just says it
(85)It’s me
(86)National fruit and fruit and fruits and fruit and vegetables and fruits
(87)Lol book book book book, department, department, department
(88)Treasure Island of All Things
(89)I take pictures of Samsung students a lot
(90)I’m so jealous
(91)gonjales Jjinta Fact Obsession Hong jiyeon oh monji I think I know right word gimbap
(92)That outfit doesn’t look good on you. I can’t
(93)a possible place
(94)No context
(95)The Pappapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapa
(96)- Puppy Young
(97)Fruits, fruits, fruits, and fruits
(98)an insurance company with all kinds of insurance company
(99)Oh, I think I know
(100)It’s me. T
(101)Sympathy through the Holy Grail
(102)We know. That’s right. That’s right
(103)To make me feel tired
(104)That’s ridiculous
(105)a school of national significance
(106)Family, family, family, family, family, family[Laughing] [Laughing]
(107)Everything is so hot
(108)That’s ridiculous
(109)He’s trying to win with facts
(110)I’m Eui forever oppa. If I say something wrong, I don’t have a sense of humor. You’re in my heart
(111)I went to a meeting or something like that
(112)This gauze
(113)[Laughing] [Laughing]Academic background in medical science
(114)It’s all because I’m lonely, but I’m not sure
(115)a fair word
(116)He’s trying to win with facts OOO is the eternal oppa in my heart. If you say the right thing, it’s just the right word, Bonjour
(117)There are people who are really overweight
(118)following automatic therapy
(119)lack a sense of humor
(120)[Laughing]- It’s a river
(121)Longer hair
(122)It’s because I’m lonely in everything
(123)Kimbap –
(124)That’s right
(125)He’s trying to win with “KkungDikungDikkungDifact OOO is an eternal oppa in my heart. If you say the right thing, it’s just the right thing. Bonjour. You don’t have a sense of humor. You’re obsessed with Hong Jihyeon Fact and satisfied with it
(126)We all know. I have eyes, too
(127)Next map
(128)⑥ List comerainbow Haircut
(129)- the nature of a river
(130)[Laughing] K [Laughing]A task, a task, a task, a book, a book, a book
(131)- It’s a river, but it’s like a rooftop animation
(132)the principle of papaism[Laughing]
(133)All things are included
(134)That’s right
(135)He’s trying to win with facts Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
(136)”Ppa” is in Jeomam’s heart
(137)Oh, but you’re really fat
(138)The next pain
(139)Saying the right thing everyone knows lol
(140)No plan Nationality and science and science and science and science and science and science and departments[Laughing]
(141)- It’s like a dog roof animation
(142)commonplace with
(144)I’m trying to overcome it with “KkungDikungDifact.” “Yeongwon Han Oppa in my heart.” “If I make a mistake, it’s just right.”
(146)Bonjour no sense of humor is obsessed with Hong jiyeon fact and satisfied with it
(148)Talking like this. We know that
(149)JB says the right thing everyone knows
(150)[Laughing]● I’m looking for fat and fruit. fruit. fruit. fruit[Laughing]National policy book sale ● It’s a river, but it’s like a loop animation
(152)- Puppy room and department[Laughing]
(153)It’s all because I’m lonely
(154)There’s no such thing as being tactless and correct Flying on the back of a baby’s self-fact, Hong Jihyun has no sense of reading the atmosphere
(155)I think it’s okay to say it if it’s right
(156)⑥ Instagram Bomorinrainbow
(157)It’s a knife! Science and task in Korea[Laughing] [Laughing]Book, book, book, book
(158)- It’s like an animation about a dog
(159)It’s a river[Laughing] [Laughing]
(161)all things come to mind
(162)Ability to read the atmosphere 1 Senseless ● Ogujjinta proves that I am right > double the listener
(164)It’s controversial as gonjalesTF, but T is also social. Bonjour. It’s just a low mental age lol
(165)Because it’s true
(166)[Laughing]Dog room kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
(167)- Lee Jiwon
(168)a national attractive medical doctor
(169)Just in case
(170)Jjindda is about the person who hears that I’m right
(172)Gonjales is controversial as TF, but T is also social. Bonjour is just a low mental age lol. Gimbap
(173)Major Water Salmon[Laughing] [Laughing]
(174)It’s true that that outfit doesn’t look good on me
(176)[Laughing]● ● pute[Laughing] [Laughing] lol [Laughing]
(177)It’s all because I’m lonely. 10,000 won
(178)That’s one of them
(179)Consideration for people 10gonjates This is controversial as TF, but T is also social. Bㅜ Bonjour The mental age is just low lol – Kim Bob-Hul-Majasu salmon
(180)Crazy[Laughing] [Laughing]
(181)I’m just saying it because it’s true
(182)Oh, you want to fight crazy
(183)(Laughing) [Laughing] [Laughing]
(184)- It’s like an animation about a dog
(185)- Equipment support
(186)- of Kang Yi-ji’s comic book proposal[Laughing]
(187)Ah, consideration for those who listen to prove that it is right. Gonjalles is controversial as TF, but T is also social. Bonjour. Just a low mental age. LOL – Gimbap
(188)Should I call it social intelligence? Social intelligence
(189)[Laughing] [Laughing] [Laughing] [Laughing]
(190)- It’s liver
(191)- Just the dog[Laughing] [Laughing]
(192)Out of the way, Demiseong
(193)It’s controversial. T is also social
(194)There is! Bonjour is just a low mental age lol
(195)4590 Crazy[Laughing]
(196)I’m not intelligent
(197)No, that’s not rude
(198)If it’s a puppy[Laughing] [Laughing]Fruits, fruits, fruits
(199)- It’s like an animation of Gangbyeong Loop ● But
(200)Fruits, fruits, fruits, and fruits
(201)Inrodem Culinary Materials
(202)Even though it’s controversial, it’s social. Bonjour. It’s just a low mental age
(203)as soon as you do it, you’re crazy[Laughing] [Laughing]
(204)6 Oh, are you asking me to fight like crazy? No, that’s not rude
(205)It’s a low level of social intelligence
(206)Next, until now
(207)an assignment[Laughing]
(208)[Laughing]Fruits, fruits, fruits, fruits, fruits
(209)It’s all lonely
(210)Rodem of Panmul
(211)It’s controversial. There’s phishing Bonjour is just a low mental age lol ● Gimbap
(212)He’s so friendly
(213)Are you trying to fight? I’m not saying it’s McIl. I’m just doing it
(214)No, that’s not rude
(215)(Laughing) (Laughing out loud
(216)Task [Laughing] [Laughing]
(217)● It’s like a roof animation for dogs
(218)of all things, the body
(219)Crazy[Laughing] [Laughing]
(220)I’m not saying this intentionally to pick that person up, but I can’t understand even if you notice me
(221)factual defamation
(222)LOL Station[Laughing]- Just the image
(223)[Laughing] [Laughing]
(224)· It’s like an animation of “Puppy Room Loop”
(225)- The educational background and extreme of dog-bang nationality active science lol
(226)It’s all because I’m lonely
(227)a brazier drink
(228)Suyeon language[Laughing] [Laughing]
(229)It’s crazy
(230)Oh, are you asking for a crazy fight? No, that’s not rude
(231)Hong Jihyun, give me a sense of shame Choi Soo-jung, timely defamation
(232)I’m just saying
(233)I’m Witter
(234)in the soup
(235)National project, policy, policy, policy
(236)a book on international sanctions
(237)It’s like a loop animation
(239)Active science, science, and shock. I’m all lonely, but I’m just a colleague
(240)I’m so proud of the fact that I said something wrong, so the meaning of drinking
(241)to be true
(242)It’s not even Suyeon’s intention. I won’t feel good if you act like a loser
(243)one’s own
(244)What if it’s bad? That’s why I’m saying that now
(245)the National Fruits and the National Fruit Division
(246)No plan lol
(247)Book book sales country book book book book book book book book book book book
(248)- Dog food
(249)the cares of all things
(250)No, I said something wrong
(251)What does it mean to describe JB’s facts
(252)It’s not even “st” mean
(253)You don’t feel good if you act like a loser to yourself
(254)I don’t have that
(255)I can’t say what I can’t say
(257)Soup and sweets
(258)Fruit and fruit
(259)character’s pain
(260)I didn’t mean it
(261)Emma, I can’t say what I can’t say
(262)It’s just right. It’s right
(263)fighting lonely
(265)Lol. A book course. A course of study
(266)It’s like an animation
(267)- a dog kite
(268)[Laughing]Medicine, science, science, and science are all lonely, but lonely
(269)It’s not a malicious intention Nn Nniele If you treat yourself like a real person, I don’t feel good
(270)I can’t say what I can’t say
(271)This is what happens
(272)If you meet a rude person a few times, you become like this
(273)Next, boredom
(274)- Dogs are
(275)Department of Medicine[Laughing]
(276)● It’s like a dog roof animation
(277)national policy book book book book book book book book book book book book book book book
(278)a worker’s allowance
(279)So, Jjindda always says the right thing
(280)What’s the matter with a few rude people
(281)like this
(282)I don’t have any plans [Laughing] [Laughing]of the National Assembly
(283)- Kang Mi-won, a member of the United States
(284)It’s like a loop animation. A puppy
(286)Everything is precious
(287)If you act like a real person
(288)It’s rude not to be able to cover up what you can’t say
(289)When I meet a few Chichi An Bom Bonjour people, I’m like, “What is this?” I caught him, but he broke up
(290)That’s right. That’s right
(291)[Laughing] [Laughing]Fruits, fruits, fruits, and fruits
(292)It’s all because I’m lonely
(293)You don’t feel good if you act like a loser to yourself
(294)I can’t say what I can’t say
(295)What’s wrong with a few rude people
(296)But I can’t do it, but I don’t knowENFJ became like this
(297)Next map
(298)I grabbed it, but it broke
(299)C Instagram comorinrainbow
(300)a plan without a plan
(302)lol book book book book book[Laughing]
(303)It’s all because I’m lonely. The character’s Rotong Island
(304)You’ve been rude a few times
(305)I grabbed it, but it’s broken
(306)What do you want me to do
(307)It makes me feel like I’m going through a lot
(309)There’s someone like that I try to read others’ minds
(310)I have to say something that fits the situation, but I don’t know what to say
(311)Everyone is lonely
(312)That’s right. That’s right
(313)⑥ Instagram romartainbow
(314)the science of national engraving
(315)[Laughing]Book, book, book
(316)· Puppy
(317)[Laughing] [Laughing]
(318)of ordinary people
(319)I caught it, but it broke!
(320)What do you want me to do[Laughing]
(321)It makes me wonder what I should do
(322)There’s someone like airinSJ He’s very self-conscious, but he doesn’t
(323)That’s right. That’s right. In my heart, that’s right
(324)I think you can say it anywhere if it’s rightHe’s a smart brother


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