Controversy over the repair of mobile game illustrations

Controversy over the repair of mobile game illustrations

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(1)Destiny’s Child

Controversy over the repair of mobile game illustrations

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(1)Destiny’s Child

Controversy over the repair of mobile game illustrations

image text translation

(1)2023-07-24032433 Reportedly, that hot spring skin is my favorite painting. 3 3 She’s a friend who was so pretty every time I made it so hard. 진짜 It’s such a pretty and lovely work I’m so shocked that I only got 300,000 hearts
(2)Don’t say hello to me. Reported by 2023-07-24032541 Reply
(3)That wasn’t 300,000 won, but 50,000 won for the hot spring. I drew five more and it was 300,000 wonThank you for saying I’m pretty
(4)2023-07-2403-28-12! Reported reply
(5)I’m crazy. I’m crazy about 50,000 high quality. It’s a crime
(6)2023-07-24033301 Reported Reply
(7)I don’t know about anything else, but I know you’ve seen it as an alteration
(8)It’s not a commission, but the outsourcing is over 50,000 won, so I thought it was 30 degrees cheaper per sheet, but they’re really bad guys
(9)2023-07-24050359 Reported reply
(10)I boiled it to the level of teake and it’s still in my dual deck. Oh my god

That quality illustration costs only 50,000 won Shaking. Shaking

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