General strike due to 49 dead teachers…A series of teachers are expected to join

General strike due to 49 dead teachers...A series of teachers are expected to join

image text translation

(1)Subscribe to Seoul Economic Daily
(2)A series of general strike teachers are expected to join 49 dead teachers
(3)Input 20230721 PM 219 Modified 20230721 PM 234 PM Article ID
(4)Reporter Shin Jung-seop
(5)Proposals to the teacher’s community in advance notice procession
(6)No right to strike, but proposed a bypass strike on sick leave and annual leave
(7)We need to go on strike to hear our voices
(8)September 4th, the 49th day of the deceased, is a year-end sick leave
(9)It’s time to show a definite action
(10)The 49th anniversary of the death is September 4th
(11)I will mark September 4th as sick leave in the status of the work messenger and report the sick leave on the night of September 3rd I’m going to visit a mental hospital that day, with or without approval
(12)If you can’t come out alone, someone’s going to kill you
(13)But if you can’t get five students from one school or 10 students from another school, you can’t even turn the tables
(14)The more people participate in the status bar, saying, “September 4th is sick.”
(15)There is no choice but to be a voice from the education office to prepare for the day, and complaints from local mom cafes to take action can become an issue


1 If you can’t come out alone, it will be a problem, but if you can’t come out alone, the education side will have to respond and it will naturally become an issue

2″Don’t self-examine class students as irresponsible homeroom teachers. In England, hundreds of thousands of teachers went on strike, and 85 schools were closed. “Isn’t it a real responsibility to restore the right to education on this land?”

3 “I think he will listen to us only when there is a problem enough to disrupt the country’s operation.”

Not a teacher official

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