There are animals that get bigger, stronger, and more sexual with age

There are animals that get bigger, stronger, and more sexual with age

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(1)A male African elephant enters the must. Testosterone
(2)As levels soar up to 60 times more than usual, resinous fluid flows out of glands under the eyes, Kwambli Safarizi, Wikipedia

There are animals that get bigger, stronger, and more sexual with age

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There are animals that get bigger, stronger, and more sexual with age

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There are animals that get bigger, stronger, and more sexual with age

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There are animals that get bigger, stronger, and more sexual with age

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There are animals that get bigger, stronger, and more sexual with age

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(1)the University of Oxford in the United Kingdom and the University of Colorado in the United States
(2)According to a study by a joint research team at Che Saver the Elifund, African water elephants are more active and use more energy to reproduce than they were when they were over 50 years old than when they were young While ordinary animals are less reproductive as they get older, they are less active, whereas male elephants are the other way around

There are animals that get bigger, stronger, and more sexual with age

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(1)African elephants have a lifespan of 50 to 70 years
(2)Elephants get bigger and bigger as they get older The research team says that older elephants over 50 years old are twice as big as female elephants, and as they have become bigger, they are popular with females who are stronger than young male elephants


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