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If a man carries a debit card, does he look like he doesn’t have it


If a man carries a debit card, does he look like he doesn't have it

image text translation

(1)If a man carries a debit card, does he look like he doesn’t have it
(2)6910aad1 5 5 minutes ago
(3)I went out back with my girlfriend because it’s been a long time since we had a holiday
(4)I bought you food, coffee, and movies
(5)But she suddenly asked me why I don’t have a credit card. Why only use a debit card
(6)Yeah, I didn’t want to carry cash, so I asked her to check it out
(7)Oppa’s check card isn’t like that. It doesn’t look like it
(8)I’m thinking about breaking up or not today. What should I do
(9)Next time, use a credit card
(10)Can’t I
(11)Checkered is kind of weird. I have an eye for it
(13)Why aren’t you answering? Read and ignore


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