My late Marine parents wrote when my son joined the army a few months ago

My late Marine parents wrote when my son joined the army a few months ago

image text translation

(1)Active Reserve >
(2)1292 Chae Soogeun Mom Namwon
(3)1292 Chae Soogeun Mom Namwon Serious Member E11 Chatting
(4)202303311112 inquiry 1756
(5)To Soogeun, who I miss my son
(6)I wake up several times and think about what my son is doing now
(7)It’s still an unfamiliar environment, so I think it’s time to adjust
(8)If I turn on the PC in the morning, I’ll go into the cafe and see if there are any announcements or other news
(9)It’s so nice to see them often and share them with parents who have the same mind
(10)I’m so proud of my son, Soogeun, who is always full of energy
(11)Let’s stay healthy and cheer up until the day we meet

My late Marine parents wrote when my son joined the army a few months ago

image text translation

(1)1291st Chae Seung Gyun Mom 1156 Hello
(2)I was surprised
(3)성도 같고 이름도 초성이 같아서요~~~~ㅎ수근예비훈병 무사무탈 기원합니다
(4)1290 LEE SUNG WOOK M2 Don’t miss it
(5)By now, I’ve heard that even if you get close to your colleagues and try to go out, they’ll hold you back
(6)Every day is a week
(7)7 weeks in a week
(8)If you send it, the ceremony will come~~~
(9)I’ll be rooting for you today. ^^
(10)1282 Noh Kyu Min-bu Daegu
(11)May the soul rest in peace


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