Someone who was publicly humiliated while writing a game diary

Someone who was publicly humiliated while writing a game diary

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(1)When I was in elementary school, I wrote a game diary and got publicly humiliated.txt ■
(2)2437 views. 67 comments. 64 comments
(3)It was when I was in elementary school
(4)I used to play games without friends
(5)There was a homework to write a diary like elementary school in the 00s
(6)There was no such thing as daily life, so it was hard to write a diary every day
(7)I always play games. I can write a diary about games
(8)Isn’t it possible to write a diary that contains what you experienced that day, too!
(9)That’s how I ended up writing a game diary
(10)One day, Mario, one day, Kart Rider. One day, war era
(11)I thought this would solve the problem
(12)There was a hint in the middle
(13)At the time, when I wrote in my diary, my teacher left me a comment
(14)Did you have anything else to do besides the game
(15)I think it’s better to write everyday life
(16)It was the same way
(17)Then, the teacher who couldn’t resist explodes
(18)Then one day, the ordinance time
(19)Hey, Kim Joong Boong! I’m going to keep writing games in my diary!
(20)What’s Mario Luigi Peach!
(21)I started reading my diary clearly in front of all my classmates
(23)Mr. Dunn’s betrayal was indescribable
(24)After that, I was made fun of in the class


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