Blaine, who works in Seoul, says why public services are collapsing

Blaine, who works in Seoul, says why public services are collapsing

image text translation

(1)Topic > Bla bla
(2)Why Public Service Is Collapse – 2 People
(3)Seoul Metropolitan Government j
(4)The biggest reason for the collapse of public services in the near future is the people
(5)A public official with a sense of duty cannot endure due to the combination of low treatment and the national character of the evil
(6)an era of eight doctorates on average
(7)- Dr. Oh Eun-young gave a lecture on pedagogy to the teacher after listening to a few words. There are many teachers who feel the same way as those who committed suicide this time because of the tyranny of their parents
(8)- I don’t know what the police are doing, but my sharp insight is comparable to that of a professor of police administration, so it is clear that it is a tax thief honey job
(9)- I’m a public official kiosk lol I know administration, but I have to break down the iron rice bowl to make administrative services human-level. High school graduates will open it up if they want to
(10)- I’ve had a hard time Every time the article was published, the relevant public officials took turns hanging one by one. lol The investigation results were not even released, but I am a disaster safety expert, so I can identify the criminal
(11)- Doctor, I looked it up on the intellectual, and he didn’t know anything about it, and he prescribed weird drugs. Stalkers
(12)- When you work, people who don’t know anything can’t help but become psychotic because they pretend to be experts, and even the nicest people hate humans
(13)The golden age of the nation
(14)- I thought only children were golden, but adults can’t hold back their anger, have no logic, don’t sympathize with other people’s pain, and don’t feel ashamed
(15)- They are parents in education, civil petitioners in administration, guardians in medical care, and voters in politics, so there is no answer
(16)- Politicians don’t care about the public sector collapsing one by one because they’re asking if gold is coming. Politicians are invoices in 20 years, and their children can live abroad
(17)- How can you work hard when the law doesn’t protect public officials at all? Good people will see the damage, but politicians don’t care. It’s not a vote to protect public officials
(18)the age of national infidelity
(19)- I don’t care if the public sector actually collapses
(20)- The worst soldier in office has already been half destroyed
(21)LOL There is no beginner officer noncommissioned officer, but in case of war, who is in command
(22)I wonder if our ancestors made it for us
(23)- Pediatrics are closed one after another lol Sooner or later even Vital
(24)But I can’t feel it in my life right now
(25)- The most sincere and responsible public officials are sick
(26)I killed myself
(27)- If you’re good at cooking, you’ll get hit with reality
(28)Escape from the West Organization
(29)- It’s either this or that I’m stuck in a rut, so I’m thinking about what the people think
(30)Transformed into a honey-puller, a symbol of public office
(31)- People in office talk about difficulties and problems
(32)Even if you ask for improvement after the enemy, it will get twisted
(33)- Well, it’s got to be twisted. What should I do

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