Why are there so many Muslims in American prisons?jpg

Why are there so many Muslims in American prisons?jpg

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Why are there so many Muslims in American prisons?jpg

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(1)3 Episodes about halal food in U.S. prisons
(2)In fact, because halal ingredients themselves do not have a particularly different taste, there are quite a few cases in the United States where they eat halal food without their knowledge, especially in some prisons in the United States, because the two religious groups sponsor correctional facilities While the quality of meat delivered to prisons is very low, halal-certified meat is said to be a favorite food for older inmates because it is soft, so there are ridiculous situations in which they falsely list religion and eat halal food It is said that it was born

I’d rather eat cheap food using cheap ingredients to meet the prisoner’s budget

I can eat better food with halal-proven ingredients because I’m Islamic

Why are there so many Muslims in American prisons?jpg

image text translation

(1)Doria○ 2023-07-16 113013470
(2)Allah does not look at Korea, the only divided country in the world, because she hates conflict
(3)I have never seen people as clean-hearted as Koreans Allah would recognize it as halal if it were meat that they slaughtered
(4)- 1 and – 1 multiplied by 1. – Have I ever had soju when I had pork belly
(5)The teachings of Allah are good deeds and wisdom
(6)What would be hard to get wisdom in that regard
(7)Recommended reply
(8)BOYPINK 2023-07-16 113129
(9)This is totally Buddha’s teaching

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