YouTube’s past track record of saving salt warfare slaves

There’s a new book about a YouTuber

My YouTube past


YouTube's past track record of saving salt warfare slaves

image text translation

(1)the subject of controversy
(2)YouTuber who cursed at a social worker even though I look like a bug
(3)Add Neighbors
(4)YouTuber who threatened social workers
(5)A YouTuber was caught swearing at a social worker during a broadcast, causing controversy
(6)It leads to high views of stimulating content
(7)High views eventually link to revenue

YouTube's past track record of saving salt warfare slaves

image text translation

(1)Mr. A approached them and said, “Nice to meet you. Can I help you?” and the social worker said, “No
(2)”You can just leave.”
(3)Then, Mr. A blushed and said, “Just go,” and asked again, “Why are you annoyed when you see me? I didn’t do anything.”
(4)Mr. A then expressed his displeasure, saying, “Are you picking a fight because you look like a bug because you’re holding a camera?”
(5)Eventually, Mr. A said, “I will be punished.” I’m 37 years old this year Should I hurt myself?” he slapped himself several times
(6)The situation came to an end as a social worker, embarrassed by A’s sudden behavior, stopped him. A began to swear to himself whether he was rarely relieved of his anger even after leaving the booth
(7)Afterwards, he shouted and cursed at social workers, and this scene was broadcast as it was
(8)Intention behind stimulating frame More views = money’
(9)YouTubers want more views to produce such stimulating content, fake news, etc
(10)Experts point out that YouTube as well as the YouTuber should be profitable

YouTube's past track record of saving salt warfare slaves

image text translation

(1)~ 4 Controversy and Incidental Accidents
(2)Although he brags that he is good at fighting, it is considered to be a contradictory fact when looking at the testimony of his schoolmates and the data showing him playing with members of the old club, who were younger than his younger brother in the past
(3)It is possible because it changes lanes and violates signals a lot and knows Busan’s harsh driving environment and geography well
(4)In the past, when we were on the popcorn platform, we were notorious for broadcasting A case in point is 7 when he pretended to know a soldier in a smoking area of a train station and threatened to commit self-harm with abusive language. When he shouted at a train station, he shouted at citizens and threatened them
(5)· Viewers who felt reassured by the contents of the sheriff asked for intervention in the Um Tae-woong Nammunpa case However, he refused to participate on the grounds that there was not enough justification to intervene
(6)·There was a suspicion that there were no friends around me when I was on African Popcorn TV, and I invited a friend as a guest to explain this. Despite the explanation, opinions are still divided at the Popcorn TV Gallery

I owe it to myself that Shinan’s image is narrow

Not only Sinan, but also small city police boxes lock their doors and work in circulation depending on the time zone

And there’s a gangster who’s just hanging around outside with a camera, and it’s right to watch the situation and open the door

The image of the new model has made me feel humbleDistant

Isn’t it natural that that YouTuber doesn’t look good because of his image

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