the influence of an ancient country on the world two thousand years ago

the influence of an ancient country on the world two thousand years ago

image text translation

(1)Rule of law Roman law – The number of Roman law that teaches proper law to mankind The Roman law is indirectly counted in Korea through Japanese, German, and French laws
(2)Roman Civil Law Only Civil Law Natural Law -> European powers in the modern era inherited the counting law -> Japan -> Korea
(3)There are also lawyers’ organizations that have law firms with professional lawyers, so Provono Publico is implemented to realize the public interest by providing unpaid lawyer work
(4)As the records are well documented, precision laws that leave various precedents have also been developed, and the law, preliminary law, bill, and bond law that may occur in modern times, were evaluated as the greatest legacy left by Rome to mankind at that time
(5)The roots of modern civilization The ancient Romans who lived the most similar life to modern people
(6)Technology Industrial Revolution Information Revolution Multiculturalism = Modern Civilization in the basic framework built by Greece and Rome
(7)Political Republic The beginning of the separation of powers The Roman Republic was thoroughly ben during the founding of the United States
(8)Chimping -> Spread to countries under U.S. influence, such as Korea
(9)Language Latin Romance root English French German and most other European languages
(10)more than 50 etymologies per word
(11)Latin is still an advanced liberal language in the West, including the United Kingdom and the United States
(12)Letter Roman – the most commonly used alphabet at the moment
(13)Romanize all countries that do not use Roman letters, including Korea
(14)The existence of the law
(15)The capital city of Koroma provides more water per capita than modern New York
(16)The only table in Korea University, about 84 gallons
(17)Complete Sewerage System
(18)There is a famous water resource corporation that is cold, so water management is always
(19)It’s the Roman’s daily routine to finish the day in the bath
(20)The property of the inhabitants of the Roman Empire was also part of the national grand project, and the capital system of Soksan was not limited to Roman citizensof
(21)Pong du Gar
(22)Professors and national government offices were installed in various places
(23)The Roman lead pipes were discovered in Britain at the very edge of the party
(24)The Tre fountain in the picture is still a waterway built during the reign of Augustus
(25)Engineered and contracted
(26)Part of the world’s first pavement was built in 312 BC
(27)be used as a direct motorway
(28)Rome total road length 400000 Empire-wide pavement construction 1435mm World standard km Four-way road 80500 km
(29)Signs exist at regular intervals, spaced by rail lines
(30)Width SpecificationCurrent
(31)Architectural Arch Dome Concrete Method – Romanesque New Classical Style Circular Stadium, which has a profound impact on the development of Western architecture, is currently evaluated as a tempered architecture of the original Stadium Plate, Rotunda Yang
(32)a later fashionable yank ceremony
(33)Cole is the world’s best man
(34)the most influential formula
(35)a three-row, five-eyed formation of the Roman legions
(36)Day 1 ■
(37)Column 1, column 2, column 3
(38)Military Company – Battalion – Regiment – Corps The Origin of Modern Military Organization Quick Order Subtitle is A Yong Moon-don
(39)the Roman legion of the Great Britain and the West
(40)Religion Roman Catholic Christianity spread throughout Europe, the modern-day book was originally a social religion, but it spread throughout Europe in the late Jenna period Christianity became a first-class religion
(42)on the national trilateral road
(43)right away
(44)the current calendar of the Julian calendar and the Gattus calendar
(45)the Julian calendar
(46)The current calendar Orthodox Church still uses the Julian calendar today, 365 days a year, 12 months, and leap years are established throughout the Empire -> the Gregorian calendar


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