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Is it weird if this is fun? JPG


Is it weird if this is fun? JPG

image text translation

(1)1 Force acting on an object on a comb surface
(2)1 The magnitude of the force that an object on the comb is about to slide down
(3)1 Force mgsine for an object to slide down from the surface of a comb
(4)2 Acceleration gsine that an object receives on a comb surface
(5)2 Magnitude of vertical drag acting on an object on a comb surface
(6)Vertical drag N
(7)cos = F vertical F vertical = Fcose
(8)Sine = F moon-dong FF moon-dong = Fsine
(9)In this case, the net force of the object is in the direction of the F door dong = Fsine hypotenuse and does not move with components perpendicular to the hypotenuse, so the net force is 001
(10)So the magnitude of the vertical drag is N = F vertical = Ficose
(11)a car running on a frictionless sloping curve
(12)Vertical drag N
(13)F gravity F2
(14)I’ll show you me going around a curve
(15)a view from behind
(16)The car is turning a curve on the sloping road as shown in the picture
(17)If you don’t want to slide down and left on the road surface, you have to rotate steadily to create a centripetal force Automatic
(18)The force acting on a car is gravity and vertical force
(19)It splits gravity in two, one of which becomes a centripetal force, and the other is offset by a vertical drag
(20)tan = F1F F1 = Ftane centripetal force
(21)∴ Vertical force N = F2 = Fose
(22)the best of no friction
(23)Vertical drag gravity
(24)Vertical Pass N=
(25)Gravity = mg constant
(26)If you apply Newton’s law on the X-axis
(27)In constant velocity motion, the tangential component of the acceleration becomes zero and only the normal component remains r
(28)If you apply Newton’s second law on the y-axis
(29)If you erase N from the above expressions
(30)Speed to go around the track properly without slipping v
(31)The motorcycle is more than rgan0
(32)It’s kind of hard when you rest at a slow pace
(33)Vertical drag N=
(34)Friction force f = ≤pN
(35)If you apply Newton’s second law on the x-axis
(36)If you apply Newton’s law on the y-axis
(37)If we erase the above two fs and get N, we’ll get it from the equation
(38)Thus, the greater the speed, the greater the vertical drag, and the better the intuition of the herd
(39)If the speed decreases, it becomes N-shaped, and if N decreases in Equation 6, f=friction force must increasethe drag
(40)The maximum static force cannot be increased, so the minimum value of the vertical drag can be obtained herebe more than friction
(41)Also, in this case, of course, it should be established when Equation 5 is IN
(42)-10 Meals
(43)-11 formula 11
(44)Equation 10 means that the minimum value of the vertical drag can only be used as an equation when
(45)Because the direct force, which is the vertical force when you’re running at a frighteningly close speed right before you’re pulled, is
(46)It’s because it’s impossible to do that if it’s a city >taneAt this time, I didn’t even move and I was still
(47)It doesn’t slip at all -_-;
(48)Then, if tane, what is the minimum value of the vertical force at that time? The value at rest N0 = mg
(49)Cos it can’t be stopped because of the problem, so when you turn very slowly, the vertical force is very slightly greater than the macose
(50)You can do it -_-;;
(51)The motorcycle is more than rgtan 0
(52)It’s kind of hard when it’s a little fast
(53)Friction force f = SN
(55)If you apply Newton’s second law on the X-axis
(56)-12 Meals
(57)If you apply Newton’s second law on the y-axis
(58)In the above two equations, if we erase f and get N
(59)It’s the same NV equation we found earlier
(60)If the speed increases by N, and if N increases in Equation 13, = Friction should increasedirect flight power
(61)The friction force cannot be greater than the maximum static friction force, so the maximum value of the vertical force can be obtained by Equation 5
(63)-16 formula
(64)Vertical drag NV = mrsine mgcose–Equation 17
(65)If Tane is short, the range of N is mgcose (66)H < tane This N-side range is the formula of mg cosine N mg cosine-usine -19
(67)frictional force
(68)Type 20
(69)can have a value between

I’m doing math physics as a hobby these days, and it’s so much fun. This is fun -_-

Of course, it’s not that hard to go beyond the level of 1st or 2nd graders

Before elementary and high school, it’s so much fun. It’s fun to solve questions

Am I weird

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