Photograph of Ukra soldier couple discharged from military service for drug use

Photograph of Ukra soldier couple discharged from military service for drug use

image text translation

(1)The Ukra warrior who lost his arms and eyes held tight
(2)My… the whole world rang
(3)Input 2023-07-1322605 Modified 2023-07-14085549
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(7)Yonsei Hill Dental Clinic
(8)Ukrainian soldier Andriy and his wife Alina
(9)Anton Gerashenko Torture Twitter Resale And Ban DB
(10)Seoul = Yonhap News Reporter Kim Dong-ho = The sight of a Ukrainian soldier who returned from a serious injury on the battlefield in his wife’s arms is dampening the eyes of the world
(11)Anton Gerashenko, adviser to Ukraine’s interior minister, posted a photo of a Ukrainian soldier called Andri being hospitalized on Twitter on the 12th and wrote that he would replace a thousand words
(12)In the photo, the man is bedridden with both arms lost and bandaged

Photograph of Ukra soldier couple discharged from military service for drug use

image text translation

(1)Advisor Gerashenko is a former member of Ukraine’s defense forces
(2)He said he lost both arms, eyes and parts of his hearing due to serious injuries on the line
(3)Announcing Couple’s Image Before Andriy Was Injured In War, Instagram Resale And DB Banned
(4)Advisor Gerashenko added that Andriy’s wife Alina is staying in hospital caring for him with love
(5)This tweet has been viewed more than 1 million times in about a day since it was posted and has attracted great attention, retweeting nearly 5,000 times
(6)One netizen announced Alina’s social media account and wrote that she could help them through Instagram donations

A Ukra man who lost both arms and eyes on the battlefield and his wife who continues to love him and stay by his side until the end

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