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Texas-style self-defense


Texas-style self-defense

image text translation

(1)He beat a ranch worker who raped his 4-year-old daughter to death in 2012
(2)Grand Jury Decides Not To Charge 24-Year-Old Farm Owner With Murder In Grand Jury
(3)Texas Attorney General Says Use of Fatal Violence Deadly Force To Protect Special rape wounds or rape Victims In Texas Is Allowed

We might have a grand jury system

a grand jury

Grand Jury is trying to prosecute a suspect in a criminal case

Anglo-American law

It refers to a group of people randomly selected from ordinary citizens in the country It consists of about 20 people and 12 people

a petty jury

It is called a grand jury compared to Petit Jury, which is based on a philosophy prosecuted by the people to limit the government’s abuse of discretion in prosecution The United States is stipulated in the Fifth Amendment. Evidence that is illegally collected and excluded by the Evidence Act or that is not admissible as evidence as professional evidence is also available in grand jury

U.S. federal criminal procedure rules stipulate that a grand jury must consist of 16 to 23 people and can only be prosecuted if more than a dozen approve

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