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a fearless ghost


a fearless ghost

image text translation

(1)Is it past
(2)100 years
(3)It’s just there
(4)I brought it!
(5)This kid
(6)I didn’t
(10)What are you doing
(11)No, it’s not
(12)Hit it
(13)The ghost
(14)Liars are
(15)a beautiful garden
(16)No, it’s not
(19)It’s too far away
(20)The sound of crying
(21)What kind of kid
(22)At this place
(23)the 16th edition of this book
(24)This kind of kid
(25)As expected, it’s comfortable being in the room
(26)You know!
(27)I mean

a fearless ghost

image text translation

(1)I know
(2)I know
(3)Something else
(4)of the ghost
(5)If you make my wish come true
(6)It’s going to be effective
(7)It’s there
(8)I don’t have it
(10)My dream is to travel all over the world
(11)What is it? Machu Picchu
(12)an okapido
(13)To achieve it
(14)right now
(15)if possible
(16)It’s life
(18)Thinking about it
(19)It’s been a while
(20)This kid
(21)I hope you grow up
(22)This state
(23)I don’t think it’s a bad thing
(24)This punk!
(25)I didn’t know that.
(26)You know
(27)I’m going to get married

a fearless ghost

image text translation

(1)You have to study
(3)in Tokyo
(4)I’m aiming
(6)A small village is
(7)I don’t know if there was
(8)a village like this
(9)like that
(10)one way or another
(11)If you’re watching
(12)I don’t want to be
(13)When I was a kid, I liked you
(14)I didn’t say anything
(15)Are you glaring at me
(17)That’s not it
(18)I don’t think so
(19)I didn’t have it
(20)I’ll hug you when you cry
(22)in fact
(23)Don’t go.
(24)I threw it away.
(25)It makes me feel good
(26)He’s unconscious
(27)I lost it
(28)It hasn’t been 10 years
(29)It’s long

a fearless ghost

image text translation

(1)You can’t do it
(2)on an unearned income
(4)It’s going to be okay!
(5)I’m flying
(6)I look forward to your kind cooperation.
(8)The first landlord was a man named Takashi Shinjo
(9)I don’t know if I’m lonely
(10)While drinking
(12)about a year later
(13)without a doubt
(14)He left this room
(15)The second one is
(16)Third, a nearby department store
(17)at the counter
(18)a working figure
(20)It looks like you
(21)No, it’s not
(24)You can see me
(25)Oh, it’s not
(27)I’m in trouble!
(28)Nishi-Jo County and
(30)Right now
(31)It’s raining

a fearless ghost

image text translation

(1)To be honest
(3)And so
(4)I left a message
(5)Should I say it’s an arc
(6)Don’t do it
(7)That’s what you said
(8)The letter
(9)Because of the rain
(11)I’ll read it since I came
(12)”In that room
(14)The moment I felt it
(15)My eyes are open
(16)To you.
(17)I want to tell you
(18)This letter
(19)I’ve decided
(20)at the age of 55
(21)All of that
(22)It’s a memory of about 10 years old memories
(23)above all
(24)More specifically
(25)It’s hard to forget
(26)It was here.
(27)of South Africa
(28)of a village
(29)I was there
(30)contrary to your objection
(31)I met him
(32)in the village
(33)You can see ghosts and other things
(34)I was happy
(35)I think he’s a fake friend
(36)from some point on
(37)It was there

a fearless ghost

image text translation

(1)It wasn’t
(3)harsh words
(4)at that time
(5)I’m sorry
(6)in the village
(7)The most ghostly
(8)I gave it to him
(9)I don’t really know him
(10)A man came and said
(11)in the village
(12)”Guardian Order
(13)A ghost that doesn’t move
(14)It’s the shape
(15)He’s like this
(16)I said it.
(17)What I do for you is
(18)I don’t have it
(19)Is it a presence
(20)Things like that
(21)That there is
(22)by itself
(25)I feel like that
(26)seen and seen
(27)on the basis of
(28)It was enough
(29)It’s hard
(30)Anna, my granddaughter
(31)Talk to me
(32)If I didn’t give it to you
(33)For me, too
(34)I’m still talking
(35)Your existence
(36)That’s what I thought
(37)You couldn’t believe it
(38)Even the ones that don’t
(39)I think.
(40)When I was outside
(41)Things that I’ve seen. Things that I’ve seen
(42)I want to talk to you. I wanted to hear you
(44)I’ll be waiting
(46)It’s smudged. Is this your home country…as such
(47)It’s Baro’s disease
(48)I didn’t expect to fly
(50)Oh, my
(52)With friend.


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