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Gallup’s Gyung support rate dropped 6 times!!



Presidential Job Evaluation Positive 32 Negative 57

Gallup's Gyung support rate dropped 6 times!!

image text translation

(1)Presidential Duties Performance Assessment in the Last 20 Weeks of 2023
(2)- You’re doing greatJob positivity — x– is at faulta negative rate
(3)One week, two weeks, three weeks, four weeks, five weeks, two weeks, three weeks, three weeks, one week, three weeks, four weeks, five weeks, two weeks, two weeks, three weeks, three weeks, three weeks, three months

A dog’s bash!!

Survey Overview

· Investigation period: July 11-13, 2023

· Random sampling mobile phone virtual number provided by 3 mobile communication companies

Phone Survey Sample Design Report Wireless Phone Virtual Number

· Telephone Surveyor Interview CATI

· 1001 people aged 18 or older nationwide surveyed

· Sample error ±31 point95 confidence level

· Response rate 143 Total Calls 1,001 out of 7,005 answered

· Customer Gallup Korea’s own investigation

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