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a cartoon that tells you how to get married


a cartoon that tells you how to get married

image text translation

(1)My mom in her 20s
(2)Over there
(3)If you’re nice to someone
(4)It’s hard! After eating this
(5)They’re the same as they’re the same
(6)I thought I was coming back to myself
(7)Ah, today too
(8)You’re busy
(9)But most people
(10)in a haphazard manner
(11)I was thankful at first
(12)As if it’s a given later
(13)It’s said that he acted
(14)Something that’s changing
(15)I think so
(16)Instead of coming back in the end
(17)There are more things I want
(19)Like this
(20)In the process of realizing it
(21)He said he was hurt a lot
(22)After that, I met my current dad
(24)Hi, how are you
(26)I was like a dog-jjin-dda
(27)Ahahahah; the next room
(28)We’re friends!!
(30)It’s meant to be. What
(31)This loser
(32)He said he liked that part
(33)2 Coffee
(34)I thought you might know

a cartoon that tells you how to get married

image text translation

(1)That’s how we started dating
(2)I don’t like coffee
(3)My dad is mysterious
(4)He had a good sense of humor
(5)I wore a big teddy bear
(6)I want a glass of wine
(7)out of money
(8)I bought some cheap wine
(9)When I receive something
(10)I brought a lunch box
(11)Thank you and remember me
(12)And you did a better job
(13)Me too
(14)Hug him right now! I brought it!!
(15)So my mom said
(16)Hey, how long are you going to do that
(17)He’s so nice to me
(18)I’ll have to wait and see
(19)with the thought of
(20)She’s married
(21)The bride and groom
(22)Green onion roots
(23)And even now, more than 30 years ago
(24)You say thank you often
(25)Thank you always

a cartoon that tells you how to get married

image text translation

(1)My dad in his 20s
(2)I had no money
(3)Boss, one tteokbokki book
(4)Please give me a discount
(5)If you don’t have money from experience
(6)I thought I couldn’t even date
(7)Not dating
(8)You’re making money!
(9)I was even timid
(10)One day, my dad
(11)I went to my friend’s house
(12)by chance on the way out
(13)I ran into my current mother
(14)I don’t want to miss it
(15)It wasn’t long before I talked to him

a cartoon that tells you how to get married

image text translation

(1)What is this lump
(2)I was like a loser
(4)He’s a friend of the bachelor in the next door
(5)It’s fate!!
(6)I’m going to give you a lot of courage
(7)That’s what I paid for it
(8)I was wondering if you like coffee
(9)Let’s drink coffee together
(10)That’s how we started dating
(11)I don’t like coffee
(12)How’s your drink
(13)While in a relationship
(14)Money is not a necessity
(15)I knew it was an option
(16)Even if I walk around
(17)When I walk in the park
(18)I wasn’t bored
(19)There’s no one over there and it’s quiet
(20)And the heart of a man
(21)Listen, you’re mine, Sibal
(24)It’s a good thing you’really
(25)They’re satisfied with the small things
(26)I’m happy, too! I’m happy
(27)Rather, small things
(28)I was the first one to find it
(29)(Singing “Argh!”
(30)One bottle at a time
(31)per head
(33)the sacrifice of soju
(34)One day, suddenly
(35)I want to be with you forever
(36)Happily for the rest of your life
(37)Oh, it’s a proposal
(38)It’s not an impulse
(39)When I have a new god
(40)I proposed
(41)30 years later, today
(42)The gold thread is overflowing, FIN. FIN

A good cartoon every time I see it

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