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9 Things to Think About About A Businessman Jpg


When I’m in my 40s, I have to exercise to live, but I can’t practice it

I think there are some parts that you can relate to and some that you can’t relate to

But if you think about it again, you’ll be able to make your own definition

9 Things to Think About About A Businessman Jpg

image text translation

(2)1 is offering the most expensive for free – time
(3)2 Not Practicing the Most Important – Exercise
(4)3 Tying my ankles with the most futile – past
(5)4 I’m already trying to see better what I can see. – Currently
(6)5 It’s too bright but you’re paying less attention. – Future
(7)6. He’s the most reliable but suspicious. – Himself
(8)I don’t have 7 but I’m trying not to lose it – property
(9)8 is the most common, but I’m not using it
(10)9. If you don’t take it out, it’ll rot. – Greed

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