a manly Joseon punishment

a manly Joseon punishment

image text translation

(1)attempted murder
(2)Judgment Hanging
(3)In the case of premeditated murder, beheading
(4)You might wonder what’s the difference between being decapitated and hanging
(5)In the Joseon Dynasty, parents were considered to be more important than beheading, and the body was damaged
(6)Still, the body’s appearance itself tended to be a better view of normal hanging
(7)September 6th, 11th year of King Sejong’s reign
(8)My brother-in-law
(9)Only the people of the U.S. have long-standing feelings with the people of Geum-eum-ju, so they want to kill him
(10)Geum Eum-ju fainted and came back to life
(11)Yul is hanging
(12)I poured it as it was
(13)July 30th, the 12th year of King Sejong’s reign
(14)Gangmak-dong, a person from Gosan, fought with each other and got a million
(15)I beat him to death, and Yul is hanging
(16)the judgment of the court
(17)9th year, June 26th
(18)at the Ministry of Finance
(19)Jang Cheo-yong and others tried to apply the law of beating the priest for the crime of hitting the annex
(20)I’m not the one who’s been ordered by King ByeolgamTooth
(21)The immediate family that tried to apply the royal family’s pro-gutting rules
(22)The prince didn’t get into an accident himself
(23)In accordance with the rules that should not be unavoidable, the late appointment certificate was issued in his 80s
(24)I’m going to confiscate it, but I’m afraid it’ll be frivolous and loosethe ruling and opposition parties
(25)Since it’s a generation, I can’t just tap it
(26)It’s highly likely that he didn’t see it as an assaultB
(27)Assault is a man who’s seriously injured
(28)It means that it’s powerful enough to wear it on
(29)parental assault
(30)a beheading sentence
(31)December 4th, the 7th year of King Sejong’s reign
(32)My brother-in-law said
(33)The eldest mother of the prisoner of culture is Gutahae
(34)Yul will be punished for causing injury
(35)I poured it as it was
(36)December 22nd, 6th year of King Sejong’s reign
(37)”I’m sorry for my parents. I’m sorry
(38)Yul corresponds to beheading
(39)I just poured it
(40)Judgment, Jajajajajajajajajajaja
(41)However, if the stolen amount is more than 7 million won, he will be hanged immediately
(42)KRW 700,000 or more considering the value of stolen goods
(43)with a brand on one’s face
(44)If it’s less than 700,000 won, you’ll get a brand on your shoulder
(45)It’s more than 7 million won
(46)He was hanged as soon as he stole a cow or a horse
(47)May 11, the 3rd year of King Sejo
(48)Those who do not wear a jagwan on their face and a jagwan on their shoulders shall wear a jagwan on their shoulders, and water 1 is
(49)Hall 1 is 10 nyang and is equivalent to 700,000 won in modern times
(50)Joo E, who has become more than 10 coffins of pottery, has also grown into a small horse
(51)It goes without saying whether the offender was killed or not
(52)be hanged
(53)Railway 2
(54)provisional servitude of judgment
(55)July 11th, 23rd year of King Sejong’s reign
(56)The Jeju choreographer Areugi decided to accelerate the theft of public, private, and commoners in the province to the government’s labor
(57)a rough
(58)I’ll stop now
(59)Stealing 3
(60)I said I’s
(61)If you have a conscience, just die
(62)crazy guy
(63)September 5th, the 12th year of King Sejong’s reign
(64)Sanobi Ko Min-sam, who was imprisoned in Gyeongju from Hyeongjo, committed theft three times, and according to Yulmun, he followed suit because he should be eligible for the professor’s sentence
(66)You were kidnapped
(67)It is estimated that the judgment will vary widely depending on the method of fraud to ship to Hamgyeong-do with the family of the judgment
(68)Sung Jong, September 3rd, 2012
(69)Bad rice boats sell it, wet it with water, and mix sand, etc., but the crime is light and the profits are serious, so it is difficult to crack down on itTo grow it
(70)a piggyback ride
(71)As I did so, the criminal moved the whole family to the border
(72)Give one-third of the criminal’s property to those who are allowed to report to those who have asked to prevent him from committing a crime
(74)forgery of official documents
(75)You were kidnapped, too
(76)Judgment. You should also ship it to Hamgyeong-do
(77)January 12th, King Sejo
(78)A slave or servant who recorded that a slave would be a slave moves the entire family to the periphery of Ram’s 100th generation, does not give him a tiger by taking it, hiding it, or even wearing a circle
(79)a deputy minister of economy
(82)forced enlistment of judgment
(83)During the Joseon Dynasty, due to the harshness and standard of living
(84)I was particularly shy of the military
(85)For this reason, forcing him to join the navy as a kind of punishment
(86)I was there
(87)On September 6, the 5th year of King Taejong’s reign, “The person who received the bribe and was wrong and whose summit was remarkable, recovered, hit 100 Gonjangs, and hid in his navy.”
(88)a direct copy
(89)I’m not going to do it forever
(90)February 25th, 10th year of King Taejong
(91)After receiving bribes from Sanobi Choi In and others, he made a chief, calling it a false Naegyo, and when he reached the main palace of Hamju, he stole 70 seats of Sokmi and 30 seats of Jikmi, Ok Gyeom-eun was already dead
(92)a flash of light
(93)Choi In and his back hit the bull’s-eye according to the car lightsYes
(94)If you’re forced to escape after you die
(95)dismissal of judgment
(96)King Sukjong, September 11th, 33rd year
(97)I’m going to give you a warning in Ganwon
(98)Jeong Yi-sang, a controller, moved to Chuncheon early on, collected money to fill his own clothes, and he does not avoid talking to the gods of work, so he is proud of himselfI was relieved of my duty as a letter of honor
(100)July 25th, King Taejong
(101)At this time, he was commissioned by the King HyeongjoThe principle of Yebin-si was that when the empty house was stored, the Eulo was robbed, so both Seol and Aim, which meant that gold was broken, were ordered
(102)”Do you stick it on Gan-ri?”
(103)What should I do
(104)rainbow reflection
(105)Reflection as it is sentencing
(106)July 10th, the 3rd year of King Myeongjong
(107)Since the traitor that Ganwon has disobeyed Auregi is a biage that even heaven and earth cannot tolerate, and the ghost and man are angry together, the law of turning the innocent against them also shows strictness in condemning themPunishing those who commit crimes against the enemy is the same as harm
(108)It’s a semi-leftist tree
(109)The victim gets it
(110)April 8th, the 7th year of King Taejo’s reign
(111)Jeon San-won Kim Gwi-saeng accused Eo Jeon Hyeon-ryeong of trying to rebel against the order to make IkAutumn Day was discovered and torn to pieces – punishing treason charges the same as treason
(112)an attempted escape from prison
(113)Both sentences are beheading
(114)September 18, the 11th year of King Jungjong’s reign
(115)The prisoner who committed banok in the garden should be executed, but the crime of those who failed to achieve it is appealed. [Seungji Yoon Eun-bo does not accuse me even though he knows about it, but because he failed to accomplish it] It’s your brother’s. You have to put him to death
(116)There is
(117)at the rate of
(119)This means self-restraint
(120)sexual assault
(121)Judgment Quick and neat hanging
(122)During the Joseon Dynasty, they were more sensitive to crimes that hurt the order of rape and murder in the zonecrab back pain
(123)In Yejo, he said, “If a painter and a fairy do something obscene and severely disciplined, add one back to Beomganryul and perpetuate it as a slave of Janeup.” “Yulgan Hwagan is 80s and a husband is 90s, and a professor is 90s.”
(124)smuggling of drugs
(125)A fine of 10 million won per 12kg of judgment
(126)The 22nd of June, 20
(127)When attempting to smuggle opium in strictly, or secretly transporting opium, the cargo shall be confiscated and a fine of 7,000 per geun shall be collected based on the total number of secretly transportedThe root of medicine is 600g = 70 nyang = 7 hall = About 4.9 million won in current value7,000 words are prohibited


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