People in their 40s quit their job after 2 days at the hospital

People in their 40s quit their job after 2 days at the hospital

image text translation

(1)Good. I quit my job 2 days after I went to work
(2)July 8th, 2023
(3)I’m in my early 40s because I’m old
(4)I dropped out of college and I’ve been doing my own business all my life
(5)A few years ago, I was scammed by Jjangkae
(6)I lost all my money and lost my mind for over a year
(7)I was spacing out and I was going to start over
(8)I’ve never worked at a company. I’m old
(9)Even if you work until retirement age
(10)We have about 20 years left
(11)I wanted to learn about quality, not just repetitive work that I’ve never had before
(12)Honestly, a good company doesn’t pick my age
(13)Usually, poor reviews and poor companies outsource
(14)I did, but people in their 40s didn’t pick me
(15)Anyway, after many twists and turns, I entered the PCBs reliability test department
(16)There are 3 people including me
(17)But I came to work for the first time on Monday
(18)Two of my seniors are in their late 30s
(19)She’s in her mid-30s
(20)The two of you openly beat me up
(21)I didn’t care about that
(22)But I’m in my late 30s and I’m a section chief
(23)The manager is in his mid-30s
(24)They’ve been doing that since day one
(25)It’s not informal, it’s not formal
(26)I was upset, but I’m still sad
(27)Today is Tuesday. It’s the 2nd day
(28)It’s not like I’ve done reliability work before
(29)I’ve never worked for a PCB company
(30)How can I remember everything I taught you once
(31)There are so many things to memorize
(32)But the chief looked at me like I was pathetic and said, “I guess my head got stiff as I got older,” and giggled with the chief. The heat reached my throat, and the chief hit the nail on the head
(33)”What did you choose a man in his 40s for?”
(34)You know how you can hear it when you’re the only one who’s complaining
(35)It’s not about patience
(36)I thought it wasn’t something I could endure
(37)It ended up bursting
(38)I threw my work clothes at the head of the company
(39)He grabbed the chief by the collar and cursed
(40)You can’t say a word outside. What are you doing
(41)You have to make silly comments to get into college
(42)It came out in 3 places. So in return, Ryudae
(43)I’m doing this in “Good So” and so on
(44)I think all the curses that came to my mind came out
(45)If I was in my 20s or 30s, I would feel refreshed
(46)As I walked out, I asked the person in charge of sourcing to the station
(47)I got a call asking what’s going on the phone
(48)I don’t know where to go. I’ve been avoiding the person in charge of sourcing
(49)I cried while talkingHa
(50)I know it’s my fault. It’s my fault
(51)I’m old, but I can’t
(52)I’m saying that I shouldn’t give you a sense of humiliation that I shouldn’t make you miserable
(53)Like this, to a person

I’m going to follow you

I want to break the head

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