an unexpectedly mysterious people

an unexpectedly mysterious people

image text translation

an unexpectedly mysterious people

image text translation

(1)Surprisingly, I’m a Korean
(2)Where does the Indo-European Aryan or Turkic peoples come from at least
(3)It is roughly known that he came to his current location, but he is not a Korean people. First of all, the Korean language is an isolated language that is unclear where the language is, and the Altai theory is discarded
(4)I’m guessing it’s from Siberia, Central Asia, but there’s no solid orthodoxy or majority theory
(5)And there are no neighboring ethnic groups who share language and blood like the Han, Tibetan, Espanyol, or Italian
(6)In Europe, it’s like the Basque, which has been around for a long time, but is clearly alien to the people around it
(7)In the case of India and Europe, the movement and differentiation process are somewhat understood by comparing myths and languages, and the Turkic people are tracked because they do not have enough records, and China is also understood by numerous literature and language materials

Altaic theory says it’s abandoned

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