I don’t think this is right.jpg

I don't think this is right.jpg

image text translation

(1)I don’t think this is right
(2)What do you think
(3)As you all know, it was the last time I filed a grade complaintI made a questionnaire for Jisung and guided him not to misunderstand
(4)A student sent me an e-mail while I was raising an objectionHe wants to meet up and check his gradesSo I said I’d explain it over the phone, but it didn’t work He says he has to check the test papers with his own eyesso
(5)All right. I’ve been waiting for you to come to the lab for a few days
(6)It’s been 30 minutes He didn’t come. I was waiting for him
(7)He knocked on the door of the lab and it’s another student a different voice
(8)I asked what was going on, and it wasn’t an objection
(9)I have a question during class, but this is not the scope of the test, so I waited to ask you after the grade entry period. Why didn’t you raise an objection
(10)That’s what I thought
(11)But this student… Hold on I’m going through my bag with the professor, and everything in my bag comes out Oh, my
(12)I took out my cell phone, a book, and a handout
(13)I was like, “Where did it go?” And I kept searching
(14)I’m taking out everything personal in front of me
(15)Oh My Goodness.
(16)I was turning my head because I was embarrassed to keep watching
(17)He took out the Nintendo Switch. So I asked if he tried Zelda
(18)I asked. The student says it’s God Game I want to try it, too
(19)Do I have to do a masterpiece of “Yasum” before I do a new one
(20)Hey, is it hard to adjust to a new movie without breathing
(21)Oh, I won’t play it. My son is in elementary school ^_^

Insider professor!!

I don't think this is right.jpg

image text translation

(1)With this blue color, 2023-07 1972241305
(2)How can Professor I S.B. fish!!! I trusted you
(3)I trusted you!!!
(4)Kim Taehyung 2023-07-07 201515570
(5)You did some commu
(6)Recommended reply
(7)Geumryeon Mountain 2023-07 2302035870
(8)Professor Matt Damon and I did it a long time ago
(9)I think you’re good at current commu lol

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