The story that turned into a little finger

The story that turned into a little finger

image text translation

(1)a safety device
(2)There’s a very steep hill behind my house
(3)I was standing there waiting for my friend, and I heard a scream
(4)I saw a baby riding a tricycle and going down
(5)She was going down. Her mother was running from behind
(6)I was surprised when I saw that, so I ran without thinking and rode a bike
(7)Cover it with your body and catch the baby floating
(8)A little further down the road, and I would have been hit by a car;
(9)His mom came and cried and came to me
(10)I said thank you, but he suddenly screamed
(11)I was wondering what it was and looked at it, but my little finger
(12)I went to the hospital and operated on it as a compound fracture
(13)The baby’s father came and paid for the surgery, and he paid for it later
(14)After that, I get a call from time to time that my baby is going to kindergarten this year
(15)They sent me a picture of me wearing a kindergarten uniform


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