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These days, I’m like The Glory


These days, I'm like The Glory

image text translation

(1)MBC News Desk
(2)I spit out phlegm and even pee…an overabundance of school
(3)a bizarre school violence
(4)Sexual harassment and assault of four second-year students
(5)victim’s parents
(6)I held out and held out, and since April, I’ve been using the expression of depressionOn May 19th, he asked me to send him to a new school…
(7)News Desk
(8)I gave him a chance to hit or stab him with a bamboo knife, and the organized police
(9)Threatening with a kitchen knife in the dormitory
(10)I’m going to curse your fingers
(11)It came out
(12)through the medium of a shopping mall
(13)When I take a shower
(14)Until you say it’s good, is it good
(15)If I say so, I’ll hit him back
(16)Spit phlegm on the face and body, use your fingers in yin and shampoo your head and body as much as you wear when you do people together
(17)ONCE or the ocean soap on the floor
(18)Peeing or pouring cold water on your body, 1D XT5 78-3 days in a temporary emergency. In fact, a horse massages your back with a razor
(19)In December, use socks without consent and do not return them properly. Wake up in the morning from the dorm by hitting the face that you don’t want to go to the cafeteria
(20)at a person’s feet
(21)200138-18 If you ignore what you say, tell him to beat or threaten him, it’s Lee Dong-hyun’s testicles
(22)Spit phlegm on your face and body and pour cold water on it
(23)wind in one’s imagination with
(24)with a stroke of
(25)inveterate ways
(26)410 Use a southern belt dryer, etc. without consent
(27)a blow or stabbing dryer with a bamboo or wooden sword
(28)200, she took off her daily clothes and asked me if I was going to go to the bathroom
(29)If you tell him to go into the closet and ignore what he said, he’ll save you, but he’ll be in danger
(30)2014-197 days later, alcohol paid bus fare 5-6 times instead
(31)- I ordered it at the dorm and it’s called an exchange
(32)Daelim over 15 generations of buttocks and waist by putting hot air into the closet with a dryer
(33)She rubbed her body hair on her genital pillow
(34)Clothes in the dorm
(35)5 Gyeonggi dormitory habitually gives a seat and throws trash in a bamboo bed
(36)I used it without consent and I waited or stabbed it not to return it properly
(37)The other person does it. If you hear the student’s mom’s story, you can joke around like that
(38)He thought that was the process of getting close


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