People in their 40s regretting their 20s

There are parts that I can relate to, and there are parts that are like oldies

But if there was anything that people in their 20s felt after reading it, I’ll be 40 soon

People in their 40s regretting their 20s

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(1)People in their 40s regretting their 20s

People in their 40s regretting their 20s

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(1)With the time and money to invest in studying foreign languages
(2)Travel abroad Acquire culture, not language, make 100 local friends, not 10,000 major words, and you won’t travel abroad like you’re having a party later in your 30s
(3)2. Read a book a lot and deeply. If you read it properly, you will know how to listen to it properly, how to distinguish it properly, how to write it properly in proper words, and furthermore, how to speak properly And when you go out into the world, you will know that reading, thinking, writing, and speaking are the most important things

People in their 40s regretting their 20s

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(1)Don’t follow the flow of the pack without thinking
(2)Don’t waste that time when you can focus the most on you who will never come again to build specs that you don’t know who is leading it
(3)4 Don’t stick to role models and mentors. Your 20s should be a process of creating your eyes for the world, not a time to determine the shape of your life

People in their 40s regretting their 20s

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(1)I am addicted to my favorite sports or hobbies
(2)Try as much as you can. You will realize more quickly in the process and achievement, and the experience will become your special skill in the future
(3)6 Don’t decide on the size of your hourly wage. Even if you don’t have enough money to do it, all you have to aim for is to be the best person. If you try early on, you will have a great constitution that others can’t keep up with

People in their 40s regretting their 20s

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(1)7 Cherish the time you spend alone in
(2)The liver has the deepest contemplation then
(3)8 If you’re in college, don’t make your place a job preparation school. Even if you look like a child or a demented friend, even if you look like an old professor, it’s the highest official learning place. Respect and learn everything that happens there. You’ll find out later that you have time to focus on intellectual growth that’s hard to come back to life

People in their 40s regretting their 20s

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(1)If you don’t go to college and start working early
(2)If you come out, spend as much as you earn. Try to spend a lot of that money on cultural life, learning, and traveling. Spending on style and taste should be the last
(3)Take care of your appearance and mood all the time. What remains the longest is your intelligence and what remains the most intense is your appearance, not your plastic surgery

People in their 40s regretting their 20s

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(1)11 Have a shy dream to let others hear it
(2)Maybe that’s a dream
(3)12 Say hello well and say thank you a lot. Just do it unconditionally. If you ask me why, just don’t read this
(4)13 Don’t blame your parents because of those who provided you with less than others, you have a higher chance of becoming bigger than others Success is not smooth, but eventfulbe born out of overcoming difficulties

People in their 40s regretting their 20s

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(1)14 Even if others criticize you, you encourage you
(2)In my life, the worst things in the world are self-criticism and inferiority complex
(3)15 It is a good word to chew because you are sick, but it is also a problem and a mistake to say that you are sick when you are older than you are in your 20s So feel free to hurt, suffer, and suffer. Those times will prevent your cold from becoming pneumonia later on

People in their 40s regretting their 20s

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(1)16 And the world is so scary and hard right now
(2)I’m sure you’ll resent the gondae that make you feel more anxious, let alone caring for you at that age, but we’re always jealous of you guys. No matter how much money you have, no matter how strong you are, you can’t have itSo, you guys are WINNER. Don’t feel sorry for the oldies. Don’t curse too much. If you see an old man while passing by, make a fist and say something. Fighting! That’s what I said

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