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this world that actually existed


this world that actually existed

image text translation

(1)”Makuahuitle made of strong wood like a sorghum cracker
(2)I can’t believe I’m cutting it…
(3)What the hell is that…”
(4)”Ah… this is Toledo’s steel sword…!」
(5)”Toledo Steel”
(6)”Ah, you guys don’t know……」
(7)A cow who came to another world with a shining dream
(8)When the boy met a girl…
(9)The legend begins
(10)”Those are the sun people, Mexico…!
(11)the ruler of this world
(12)We’re like their livestock…」
(13)”Human beings eat human beings…! That’s…
(14)No matter how much this world is, I can’t accept it!
(15)You’re a civilization that shouldn’t exist!」
(16)”You stupid people!
(17)I don’t give my heart to God. The end of the world
(18)You know what?
(19)”To keep the world alive, we sacrificed our lives
(20)Key is a god
(21)How can you be such a god!!」
(22)The story began when civilization and civilization collided
(23)”Ah… this is gunpowder…!」
(24)”I can’t believe it’s a fire and thunder rod
(25)Oh my god
(26)”I can’t help it
(27)Offer them a deal.”
(28)”Leader, there are stars Ominous! It could be a trapwith a buzz
(30)”I don’t care if it’s a trap
(31)I can’t lose. I’m going to look like I’m going to lose!Even if it’s a weak ship, it’s a front stone
(32)”Now! Kill the heretics and give them your heart!
(33)Take back our temple!!」
(34)”I took away the steel sword!
(35)Kill them! Warriors of the Jaguar!」
(36)”I have to get out of this hell!”」
(37)”Save the warriors!What have you done to give your life to Radoor!!
(38)by buying time
(39)the only hope
(40)If I can’t get you out of here!
(41)Our tribe will be their livestock again
(42)You’ll moan forever!」
(43)”Stop the river with our bodies!
(44)To build a bridge to get out of here!!」이
(45)It’s brave, sir. It’s more of a death than a reward for their gods Hehe.” “It’s okay.”
(46)a disastrous defeat caused by carelessness and arrogance
(47)Night of Fiery…! Seul
(48)”What do you mean by Kechalcoatl…!
(49)If you’re stupidly flattered………!
(50)My colleagues couldn’t protect anything because of me
(51)”It’s just one failure
(52)Stand up and you can fight again.”
(53)”I bet everything on this charge…!
(54)Our Cinderella!
(55)If you’re really the only god
(56)Prove it here!」
(57)You are the one of them
(58)Teskatori poca or Kechalco Attle is
(59)all false
(60)That you are a true God…!」
(61)Everybody! Let’s go! Deus Vult!」
(62)God wants it!
(63)·To someone
(64)The most brilliant story in the world…
(65)Who is it’s
(66)A cruel story in this world…a chapter of
(67)”So the sun and moon were created at the expense of the gods
(68)The sun and the moon didn’t move」
(69)”You have to sacrifice your human heart every day…
(70)I was able to move the sun and the moon…!」
(71)”…and Jesus Christ
(72)By offering blood and flesh on behalf of everyone…………」
(73)”The sun and the moon rose and set forever…!」
(74)Charles V. No, these birds were sent to trade
(75)What the hell are you doing


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