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What a brilliant career president


What a brilliant career president

image text translation

(1)Born in Seodaemun-gu, Seoul. Born in Yean-myeon, Andong-gun, Gyeongsangbuk-do
(2)My father is an honorary professor at Yonsei University, and my mother also had a lecture-dol party at Ewha Womans University, so no one remembers the exact birthday. My father was gambling and reported a late birth after spending his fortune
(3)It’s a two-hour round trip to school
(4)I often get in trouble because I can’t pack my supplies or homework because I have to eat three bowls of rice at summer Bible school
(5)Thanks to my dream of studying in the United States in the future, I cleaned the bathroom and filled it with poop
(6)I was slapped 27 times by my teacher because I couldn’t plant the Saemaul Movement Cosmos to help with my work as a boy scout
(7)Fake employment due to the age of juvenile delinquency
(8)Left arm disorder, olfactory disorder, etc. caused by violent environmental industrial accidents such as being beaten by executives. After two failed suicide attempts, he passed the qualification exam to become a manager of a decision-making factory
(9)Test takers study poison by pounding it with a stick
(10)University Students – Chung-Ang University Law Department
(11)College Student-Seoul National University Law Department
(12)I could go to a better school
(13)I was playing at someone else’s house with my friends
(14)For the full scholarship and living expenses of 200,000 won, the decision-making family living expenses and criminal academy expenses will be provided
(15)Getting hit with a rubber hose by my father
(16)a father figure immediately after passing the bar exam
(17)He was able to be appointed as a judge, but he decided to pursue his career as a lawyer
(18)Opening a labor counseling center
(19)the nine-time period for the judicial examination
(20)Labour Members of the Lawyers for a Democratic Society
(21)Three days before the exam, my friend’s wedding, Hamjin’s father
(22)Director of Icheon Labor Consultation Center
(23)Seminar on Democratic Personnel of Community Organizations in Seongnam
(24)Director of Gwangju Labor Counseling Center
(25)Korean Bar Association Human Rights Report Writing Committee member of the Labor Department
(26)Seongnam, who passed the 9th judicial exam, won the Human Rights Award of the NCC Human Rights Commission
(27)Defense of a youth organization activist who was tortured by the Ministry of Security when he was a member of the Judicial Research and Training Institute
(28)Free defense for college students who tried to burn themselves to death due to illegal acts and beatings


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