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Super hate special activity cost double book burst!!!!!!


Super hate special activity cost double book burst!!!!!!

image text translation

(1)Weekly Newstapa Yoon Suk Yeol double-book check President’s special activity expenses
(2)Newstapa Input 202376 1335 Revised 202376 1335
(4)Newstapa Yoon Suk Yeol Double Book Check President Newstapa
(5)Prosecution’s first budget verification
(6)Yoon Suk Yeol double top check
(7)Special Expense for the Total Length
(8)After three years and five months of administrative litigation, the Information Disclosure Center for a Civil Action Transparent Society with Newstapa and three civic groups is conducting the “Prosecution Budget Monitoring Project.”It is the second collaborative project to monitor the budget of powerful institutions following the National Assembly’s Tax Thief Tracking, which recovered more than 200 million won by tracking 80 lawmakers who misused taxes

Super hate special activity cost double book burst!!!!!!

image text translation

(1)Newstapa has the details of the prosecution’s special activity expenses and expenditures
(2)It’s the first time we’ve obtained evidence and we’re verifying it The problem is that the only information left in the data is seemingly meaningless numbers, such as the date and amount of execution The prosecution released data on special activity expenses, erasing all information that could confirm who spent the national tax, where, and why
(3)After careful coverage, Newstapa discovered a certain pattern between these numbers, deciphering it, and identifying some important facts
(4)Half of the prosecution’s special activity expenses of 29.2 billion won are paid in cash regularly like a monthly salary
(5)Whenever questions were raised about why a “black” budget such as special activity expenses was needed, the prosecution repeated its answer to the following effect For a special investigation that requires confidentiality, we need money that can be spent in cash so that there are no traces or tags left
(6)According to this argument, special activity expenses must be paid to the investigation department on an irregular basis when conducting a special investigation that requires confidentiality

180 seats, I prepared a table for you~~~~~

Let’s work now


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