CU Expiration Date Tag Changed Store Status

CU Expiration Date Tag Changed Store Status

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(1)Sales Planning Team’s case guide on arbitrary change of product expiration date
(2)The company is working together with its members across the country to provide the best products and services to customers through CU convenience stores
(3)However, the deviation of one franchise store as below is causing damage to more than 17,000 franchises who operate stores that will seriously undermine the CU brand image
(4)This is because the company considers this issue very strictly and proceeds with the process of terminating the franchise contract for related merchants, and this behavior can cause enormous damage to franchisees across the country and their suppliers who manufacture and supply products
(5)The franchise headquarters will also re-examine the overall process of product manufacturing and consumer delivery, and make every effort to ensure hygiene and leading management in the operation of the store operated by the franchisee

The expiration date of the triangular kimbap has been changed

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