Why Tech Lovers Use Apple

Why Tech Lovers Use Apple

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(1)● Personally, the core of Apple’s ecosystem is
(2)I use it as 14 points. 755 20230702 1718
(3)Apple Watch
(4)iPad – MacBooks can be a replacement
(5)Apple Watch is irreplaceable
(6)I’ve used all the Gear Galaxy Watch, but the Apple Watch is beyond the limit except for the short battery I feel like I’m a generation ahead
(7)That’s why the iPhone was forced
(8)I’m using iPhone-Apple Watch anyway
(9)It goes to iPad and MacBook shivering
(10)Best W 1st place aquabeat 91 Reported member blocking comments
(11)I agree with this
(12)There’s a difference of 3 to 4 years apart
(13)In addition, the automatic switching between devices of tws is overwhelming
(14)Buzz is not an automatic switch, it’s just a connection button that makes it comfortable
(15)Best W 2nd place Epi Report Member Blocking Comments
(16)I think that’s the key Mother, I can’t feel the difference between my iPhone 14P Mac, but when I touch the Galaxy Watch 5 and Watch Ultra, the difference is too big
(17)Third place is any song
(18)Compared to the Apple Watch, the Galaxy Watch stumbles a lot of thatㅠ
(19)Focus on the battery time for a day and a half and the rest on performance I see. Of course, I have to work with Arm♥ 2
(20)You can’t compare it with just the appearance Considering the price difference, it’s natural, but I think the biggest difference is the presence of premium lines such as stainless steel
(21)I don’t agree
(22)The key is AirPods
(23)I like big phones no matter what, so I used the iPhone Pro as a sub because of the Apple Watch, and after about a year of using it, I organized the Apple Watch and the iPhone when it came to the Fold
(24)I haven’t used it for a year, but it’s been a while since I’ve been wearing a watch. 애플 Apple Watch titanium is the best

Why Tech Lovers Use Apple

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(1)The reason I use this is because of accessories
(2)If you look at the phone alone, there’s not much merit to me
(3)If you look at it alone, the fold fits my pattern more
(4)Nevertheless, the reason I use the Apple phone is because
(5)Apple Watch, AirPods, Maxafe Accessories, etc. are so attractive
(6)AirPods are similar in performance to Samsung’s, but I love the fact that they can adjust their own volume and that there is no touch malfunction when you push them back in as soon as they’re about to fall out of your ears
(7)Not to mention the Apple Watch
(8)Maxafe accessories are great, too It’s very practical to use it for desk watches. I’m planning to move on to 15 pmac later this year, but if it sticks to AOD, it’ll be perfect
(9)If you look at them one by one, they’re not that big of an accessory, but there are so many inconveniences without them
(10)And I need an iPhone to fully experience the accessories with the small advantages, so I use an iPhone

Why Tech Lovers Use Apple

image text translation

(1)Depending on how you combine them

Accessories and interlocking ecosystems

If you use Mac for your job, you won’t be able to come out any more

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