My girlfriend almost took my house away

My girlfriend almost took my house away

image text translation

My girlfriend almost took my house away

image text translation

(1)It’s a real story that happened on Friday
(2)It’s been a while since I bought a 30 pyeong apartment with a loan of 2.5 billion won from my parents
(3)As soon as I graduated from college, I rolled like a dog in the city and it’s my precious apartment thanks to my parents
(4)Recently, when I was transferred to Chungnam area, the apartment was empty
(5)I kept it clean and worked in Chungcheongnam-do, so my friend’s father died
(6)I had to go up to Seoul for a while, so I took a day off on weekdays
(7)I went home to wear a suit. What’s wrong with that
(8)The house was a damn cage
(9)I was so embarrassed that I thought he was a thief
(10)When I’m really flustered, I can’t think of anything
(11)be absent-minded for about a minuteThe starting police officer as the head of the army is activated with the rising anger!!I was going to report it like this, but when I tried to report it, it wasn’t a thief, but someone bought it
(12)Now that I see it, there are shoes on the porch, cosmetics on the floor, and delivery food
(13)First of all, I asked my parents if they came to my house with cousins or family members
(14)I thought I’d worry about you because you asked me why I didn’t have any, so I said no and hung up on my girlfriend. I thought someone came into my house and lived there, and she called me right away
(15)As soon as I got it, I said, “Oppa!” He said, “Are you home or not?”
(16)My dad passed away, so I came to wear a suit
(17)I’m calling the police now
(19)I can’t believe you guys. The more I think about Lee Si Bal-ryeon, the more I’m amazed
(20)What are you talking about? My house is close to my company, so I lived there for a while
(21)She’s dated at my place a couple of times, so I know the password
(22)I never imagined that
(23)What nonsense is that? Why do you live in my house without telling me
(24)I cursed with “B” and “B”
(25)This crazy girl was silent and screamed why she was cursing
(26)It’s unbelievable. I can’t believe it
(27)He said he’ll call me later because he’s at work
(28)And then this crazy girl doesn’t answer the phone
(29)After a few hours, he sent me a message saying, “Let’s talk when we get home
(30)Are you out of your mind? It’s my house. Talking about house
(31)Stop being angry and wait for me
(32)Wow, my blood pressure is rising again
(33)In conclusion, I’m helping out with the funeral
(34)”Where are you?” “Go home.”
(35)Am I out of my mind? I went to your house without your luggage
(36)I said, “Weren’t you going to live together after you marry me?” “We’re just living together
(37)You can think about it. Why are you so angry and cursing? First of all, first
(38)It flew away
(39)I was so exhausted that I told my friend that I had an emergency and stepped on the Excel zone and went home, but he was waiting as if he were a branch
(40)He’s so angry now that he’s here He said, “Stop cursing.” When I heard this, my heart was going to explode
(41)I lost my mind and I felt like I was going to be on the news
(42)Take out your luggage first
(43)When I did it, he really asked me to live with him
(44)I told you to get out of my house before you report me
(45)Stop cursing!! And he yelled at me
(46)I’ve reached the limit of my reason, too, and get out of my house, you punk!!!
(47)Hani and Anna are crying. She’s crazy
(48)Why are you so angry? You’re my girlfriend. What’s wrong with you
(49)When I tried to call the police, he took off his phone and got angry
(50)I called the police because I thought I was going to faint due to high blood pressure because my girlfriend was a stranger to me, so I called the police. I didn’t take care of my girlfriend, but I didn’t take my body
(51)Ha, B, and
(52)I’ve been getting phone calls all holiday, but I left her luggage in front of the door on Kakao Talk
(53)I told him to take it on his own and blocked him. My life is a mess
(54)I cleaned the house crying
(55)It’s a holiday today, too. You’re over 30 years old. What kind of joke is this
(56)I’ve been drinking since the morning because I’m sad about it
(57)FYI, this crazy year is over 30 I’m still tired of using my phone
(58)I’m getting a phone call and it’s so stupid
(59)I’m just going to get married. I’m getting old, and my mom and dad aren’t getting married
(60)I’m going to do it. You guys, be careful with your house


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