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Introducing Moon, Manpyeong 3rd term


Introducing Moon, Manpyeong 3rd term

image text translation

(1)Introducing Moon ia7h6eGzFoshms0, 5 o’clock
(2)Yoon Suk Yeol’s talent pool is so consistent I don’t know where to find the kids that deserve to be treated like crazy in Ilbe
(3)What did BTS see as Yoon’s fan You’re crazy
(4)Nominated as the head of the sole civil servant human resources development center, “Order to conduct a military Maruta biological experiment during COVID-19 in Moon Jae In”
(5)Reporter Lee Duri
(6)Input 20236291457 Modified 20236291517
(7)Looking at what he said on his YouTube channel
(8)”Take off the soldier’s mask at the National Conference of Major Commanders
(9)”The Chinese Communist Party influences the protests against the resignation of Park Geun Hye.”
(10)”BTS Han Han Han-ryeong wants to bow to President Yoon.”

Introducing Moon, Manpyeong 3rd term

image text translation

(1)Introducing Moon ia7h6eGzFoshms0, Yoon Seo-gyeol, who lived in Seocho-dong at 5 o’clock, looked at Gangnam Station
(2)I saw it on the way home from work, and the lowlands were already flooded
(3)When asked if he went home even though he knew it, he asked if he wouldn’t go home
(4)I used the soldiers to clear the water on my way home
(5)”Why didn’t you evacuate at the end?” I went to the company house and watched TV
(6)She didn’t come out because of the Elbego problem
(7)On the way home from work, President Yoon Suk Yeol saw that apartments were already flooded
(8)Choi Jae-sung, chief of staff, chief of security, should have grabbed the president’s pants and left them in the office
(9)President Yoon witnessed the flood damage and headed home
(10)On the 8th, Kang Seung-gyu’s staff was also going to dinner when he left the office
(11)Reporter Lee Seunghoon lsh vopcokr
(12)Published 2002-08-01654-53
(13)Soldiers drain VIP roads to get off work during heavy rains in August
(14)I don’t know why President Yoon wasn’t evacuated…A lot of direct remarks from low-lying countries
(15)Rep. Jeon Yong-ki revealed the status log of the Ministry of National Defense’s firefighting unit. Did he deploy soldiers on his way home from work
(16)Park Geun-hye, who destroyed the Democratic Party of Korea and revealed the ignorance of the vulnerable’s residential environment, is so difficult to rescue It’s the same as my remarks. I saw it when I left work, and my remarks began to be flooded. Even though I knew the seriousness of the controversy, I should dismiss my remarks because it rained
(17)PARK JEONGHUN twenty rock
(18)20220930 1731 Modification 20220930 1803
(19)Reporter Cho Hyun-ho, 2022-08-10

Introducing Moon, Manpyeong 3rd term

image text translation

(1)Introducing Moon ia7h6eGzFoshms0·6 o’clock
(2)Loom Sarong Cartel and Special Expense Damaging the National Treasury
(3)It’s an impure force
(4)Estelle News Account t_transbord 8 o’clock, but it was confirmed that as much as 10 of the four months’ worth of data had disappearedDuring the period when the evidence was missing, the prosecution spent 7 billion won on special activities
(5)”t. Moon Introduction Wen” retweeted it
(6)Newstapa Newstapa-KCIJ new·8:00 About two years from May 2017 to September 2019
(7)The total amount of special activity expenses spent by the prosecution for five months amounted to 29 billion won, and the prosecution was confirmed to have executed all of these expenses in cash But this money
(8)It’s hard to even know where and how it’s used


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