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apartment construction site that almost became a cemetery.jpg


apartment construction site that almost became a cemetery.jpg

image text translation

(1)Construction of LHGS Joint Cemetery
(2)There was a big accident in an apartment building
(3)Collapse that won’t happen in less developed countries
(4)Daegok-dong, Incheon City
(5)Location of apartment in connection road schedule problem
(6)Gigi-Saou Station
(7)The business of the Blotland Compartment Promotion District is scheduled to be a road connecting the Bulo District in Daegok-dong, Tohamsan Urban Development Zone
(8)Gimpo Pungmu 2 Incheon Subway Line 1 Extension Geomdan New Town Station Gimpo Gold Line Geomdan Intersection Station
(9)Oryu Land Compartmentalization Project District
(10)Geomdan New Town Gold Coin Supply Gimpo Singok Urban Development Zone
(11)It was yolk
(12)Safety margin at the time was a wide-area road
(13)Urban Development Zone
(14)Even though it’s a public sale
(15)difficulty in application conditions
(16)Simple infections
(17)Competition rate was significant < Competition rate>
(18)Yip Yeop is also good at work
(19)I’m even painting it
(20)There was a problem in the process of progressing step by step
(21)April 29th at 11pm at the apartment
(22)It’s a collapse
(23)No, it would’ve just collapsed a little bit

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(1)What is this
(2)It’s like Sampoong Department Store
(3)It’s a toad house

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(1)Children’s Eater
(2)Lee Lul Forest
(3)Ida Daycare Center
(4)Children’s playground. So, In Garden
(5)Neighborhood living facilities
(6)Red is in decay position
(7)If you look closely
(8)Children’s Eater
(9)Oh, my
(10)The parking lot collapsed
(11)It’s not important

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(1)After moving in, the babies
(2)If it collapsed while playing
(3)the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport
(4)WON HEE RYONG is so angry
(5)Hey, GS LH Jooser
(6)The reason why I’m mad is
(7)Incheon = Yonhap News Reporter Kim Sang-yeon – Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport Won Hee-ryong visits the building site of an apartment in Wondang-dong, Seo-gu, Incheon on the 9th to check the process status 2022129

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(1)6 months ago, he said
(2)It’s an apartment I checked
(3)But S.B
(4)Oh, my God
(5)Oh, it’s “J
(6)GS Engineering & Construction Co., Ltd
(7)We’re going to check ourselves
(8)I’ll do my best. Sorry
(9)Land, Infrastructure and Transport, get out of here
(10)Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport Press References
(11)Press Point Distribution Immediate Reportable Distribution 2023 May 2015
(12)The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport of 83 places, including apartments under self-inspection by GS Engineering & Construction, will conduct an inspection to see if it is appropriate
(13)- From May 15th, safety inspections for rainy season will be conducted in parallel with 515~77
(14)□ Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport Won Hee-ryong will conduct inspections on 83 apartment construction sites under construction by GS Engineering & Construction from May 15 to July 7 to check the adequacy of GS Engineering & Construction’s own safety inspections
(15)Structural Architecture in Korea
(16)People who say that they’re going to come
(17)in the middle of a safety diagnosis
(18)”Fan ID” said

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(1)Just take a picture. Um, you know, Jay
(2)We reported the final match in Incheon today
(3)Friday, May 26th, 2023
(4)Jay-Z doing face massage
(5)The compressive strength in the center of the apartment building
(6)Inside is not secure
(7)40 percent less than the design strength
(8)You didn’t let me take it
(10)Half of it
(11)The representatives of five companies had a meeting with the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport
(12)That’s the conclusion
(13)It doesn’t make sense
(14)On top of the collapse
(15)They’re checking the concrete components
(16)a sullen tube
(17)They sent it overseas
(18)If the concrete component is a problem
(19)I have to check everything Th has done so far
(20)Self-control room
(21)feel dizzy[Laughing]
(22)Let’s skip GS LH from now on
(23)I extracted all the data and threw it to the CEO
(24)Did you get a notification, too
(25)The pillar is serious too
(26)Scan Data
(27)abcde stage 5 jueng dc is the majority
(28)Friday, June 2, 2023 >
(29)It’s a poor white thing
(30)The CEO said
(31)You have to break it all downA friend who is at the scene with the safety diagnosis company I wrote last time has been diagnosed, but I can’t believe it even after hearing the results 40 percent lol what the hell is going on
(32)The concrete strength is below the design value
(33)And so, I have to go to work tomorrow, too
(34)When did my friend go into drying have a safety diagnosis, and I heard a lot about being young and missing, and if I think about it, it’s definitely concrete
(35)It’s thick to see how many glasses like this there are in other places

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(1)Wow, these unique skills are really a cemetery
(2)You were going to make it
(3)Meanwhile, KBS exclusive report
(4)Acquiring a design plan for an exclusive GS underground parking lot, “Record 705 I saw the ultrasound picture, and it was reinforced in construction.”
(5)KBS is a public room in Korea. KBS is a performance room in Korea
(6)It’s a song serviceIt’s cotton service
(7)Rebar disappeared from the design by ultrasound
(8)During the secret construction of the GS underground parking lot, the reinforcement was reduced
(9)Wow, it’s so unique
(10)I told him to put in 10 bars
(11)There are three in the drawing
(12)Speaking of ultrasound, I hit one
(13)GS Engineering & Construction Co., Ltd
(15)But the scary thing is still concrete
(16)The question hasn’t even been announced
(17)Construction of LHGS Joint Cemetery
(18)Season 2 coming soon

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(1)1 Apartment playground parking lot collapsed at Geomdan
(2)2 When I got the data in the middle, I found that it was constructed at 10 out of 100 rebars
(3)3 Defective concrete hasn’t exploded yet


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