It turns out that if his wife was a polymorphic dragon

It turns out that if his wife was a polymorphic dragon

image text translation

(1)Turns out his wife was a polymorph dragon
(2)a girl I ran into during an adventure
(3)He is good at magic, smart, and most of all, beautiful
(4)I even became a sodmaster with her help
(5)We were soon married and enjoyed a near-perfect marriage
(6)Then one day I found out that she was actually a dragon
(7)Why are you saying it now
(8)She said it herself
(9)It’s time to go back
(10)That’s why I said I don’t age too much
(11)I’m old now, and I’m still in bed
(12)I thought it was weird to look like a middle-aged person
(13)Strangely enough, I thought that my eyes were frozen for a long time
(14)I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to trick you
(15)He did love me
(16)This is what dragons are all like. They go out into the human world, meet people, and each time they play a new self, that’s why it’s called play
(17)You can blame me. You can do that
(18)Let me tell you this
(19)She grabbed my hand
(20)You’ve been the longest play of my life
(21)That’s how she left me
(22)to clean up the house where she left and take some books out of her room
(23)It was all about human lifespan
(24)futile studies aimed at extending the lifespan of a finite human being
(25)Maybe the first and last stupid thing she did
(26)Within a few days, I was dead
(27)Looking at the sky where she left

It turns out that if his wife was a polymorphic dragon

image text translation

(1)577 years of the imperial calendar
(2)15 years after my death
(3)I was somehow transferred to the body of a 15-year-old boy
(4)She said.
(5)After the game, the dragon goes back to his nest and falls into a long sleep
(6)You don’t wake up unless someone else comes and you have deep dreams of reflecting on your past
(7)As the son of a country farmer, I left home and visited the Adventurers Guild
(8)With an old sword at his waist that he exchanged for a farming tool
(9)The guild receptionist asked
(10)It was a formal question
(11)Why do you want to be an adventurer
(12)It’s like a dream from a long time ago
(13)I can’t believe I was in love with a dragon
(14)But because of that
(15)Before it’s forgotten like a dream a long time ago, she just dreams
(16)before you bury it in
(17)I have to go
(18)I want to find the dragon’s nest“
(19)It was not easy to find her nest
(20)I’ve never heard of a dragon’s nest in my past life or even now
(21)But I couldn’t give up
(22)Rumor has it that a dragon appeared after searching all the libraries
(23)I went to any place where I could turn even a little bit
(24)Then I met a woman
(25)She is treated as a madman by the villagers
(26)But before I had a few words with her, she lost
(27)I could see that he was telling the truth
(28)She was the same kind of person as I was
(29)She also loved the polymorphic dragon
(30)We met people who understand each other, and we spent a lot of time all night
(31)had a conversation with
(32)Sometimes I sympathize, sometimes I shake my body to the point where I spill my glass
(33)We had a toast in unison
(34)”That’s not a dragon!”
(35)But we all know what didn’t say after that
(36)have been doing
(37)Yeah, it’s not the dragon that’s good
(38)It’s him
(39)At last, she burst into tears in my arms
(40)I couldn’t comfort herto
(41)We can comfort each other because we have the same wounds
(42)The people were wrong in their thinking
(43)Rather, people who have the same scars will feel each other’s wounds
(44)I can’t give any consolation because I know it will hurtHe
(45)All I could do was stand byThat
(46)So that she can lean on me
(47)To prevent her from falling to the ground
(48)The next morning she handed me a ring
(49)”The ring he gave me
(50)”Why are you telling me this…”
(51)”Don’t forget that you met someone who asked you to tell him
(52)If that doesn’t work, he’s like a nest
(53)They’re telling me to throw it awayThere are many treasures in Dragon’s Nest
(54)Please give it to meI’m going to sneakily
(55)To be treated as a treasure……”
(56)I took her ring dearly
(57)”…I’m not confident I’ll have that ring anymore
(58)She smiled at me
(59)I laughed out of town in my busy footsteps
(60)In her empty heart again

It turns out that if his wife was a polymorphic dragon

image text translation

(1)She said.
(2)He’s always thought that the Kilbain Mountains, west of the continent
(3)I thought I was just bluffing…
(4)Kilvine Mountains
(5)a rugged mountain range full of rocks
(6)And on the way, there’s a lot of evil in the middle of nowhere else
(7)It wasn’t really the territory of the empire, so it didn’t even have a proper map
(8)But I had to go
(9)Maybe the same dragon knows another dragon’s nest
(10)I found the dragon’s nest after wandering and stuttering and falling countless times
(11)The dragon’s nest she loved was deep in a cave
(12)It just so happens that the dragon wasn’t asleep
(13)I approached him proudly and the dragon, boasting golden brilliant scales, spoke to me first
(14)”Oh, my favorite mortal being has arrived. Seeing that you’ve come all the way here, you must have brought an interesting story
(15)I showed her ring
(16)”It’s the ring of a woman who loves you Would this be interesting?”
(17)He showed interest
(18)He squinted his golden pupils and looked closely at my ring
(19)”It’s interesting. I gave it to you. I remember your name, Sele
(20)Did she still love me
(21)”It’s been like that so far, but I don’t think it’ll be like that from now on
(22)Yes, of course… I’ll never forget it.”
(23)”It’s pitiful that I was born as a dragon
(24)I feel miserable.”
(25)”What happened?”
(26)”I forget her in no time, unintentionally
(27)If a short life is the shackle of a mortal, a long life is our dra
(28)He lamented that it was like a chronic disease of Ghosn
(29)”Badness, our dragon’s eternal companion.”
(30)He was a polymorph in the form of a human being, and he took the ring
(31)”I’ll grant you a wish. A mortal who brought an interesting story.”
(32)”Should I not be able to do that to you?”
(33)I answered
(34)”I’m looking for a dragon’s nest”
(35)I told him my story
(36)I’m looking for my wife
(37)He was interested many times more than when he saw the ring
(38)I inquired into the story
(39)At the end of my story, he said, “It’s like a cat is gargling
(40)He was amused with a sound
(41)”Okay, I’ll help you. It’s interesting. Very interesting.”
(42)I don’t know what the dragon’s real name is or where he lives
(43)I won’t be able to visit you, but based on the time when the game ended
(44)He said, “I’m sure we’ll find the hydrogen question.”
(45)He added with kindness
(46)”I don’t want to wish for this. It was very interesting. I was horizontal
(47)It’s not going to be a wish

It turns out that if his wife was a polymorphic dragon

image text translation

(1)He seemed to belong to a fairly strong and influential axis among dragons
(2)He went to other dragons and found out the information, and sometimes he woke them up by breathing a breath into their sleeping ears
(3)But progress was not easy because I didn’t have much information
(4)Eventually, it turned into a human form and had to ask for information again in the human world
(5)”Why are you helping me so hard?”
(6)When I asked him, he answered as if it were a given
(7)”Isn’t it interesting?”
(8)He was very obsessed with that interest
(9)”Is interest so important
(10)”You don’t know, but it’s quite hard to live a long life. No matter what you do, you’ll eventually forget it. No matter how much you do and how much you go through, there’s not much left in front of the weathering of time. After that time, you start to be afraidAll right.
(11)Is there something that the dragon is afraid of course
(12)I was also intrigued by what he said
(13)Maybe he looked like him in the days he was with him
(14)may be
(15)”What are you afraid of?”
(16)”Oh, that’s the scariest thing in the world”
(17)What is that
(18)”Forgetting what I am”
(19)He tapped himself on the head
(20)”I won’t lose my existence. How can I forget?” It’s not that simple to say, “I have these colorful and beautiful golden scales, but I think it’s not this body, but it’s a memory I’ve built over hundreds of years, but those memories are gradually disappearing like sand and stones from the palace site There’s nothing more frightening than that
(21)”That’s why you’re looking for something so interesting.”
(22)”Yes, these things are not just of interest to me
(23)It’s like a sign.”
(24)”If it’s a sign…”
(25)”Like a towering obelisk, a firm mark that never fades after all those years, searching for such strong memories in my head that proves that I existed there at that time, even if there is a thing that carries the mortal on my back.”
(26)He folded his wings and began to descend
(27)”Look! I see Harion Gorge! There’s your wife
(28)I wish you were asleep.”
(29)Maybe because I’m a mortal, I don’t fully understand what he says
(30)But I agree with him on this one thing
(31)It’s the only memory that’s never going to fall
(32)I think it’s so precious
(33)I answered, covering my eyes with a strong wind
(34)”Yes, I agree”

It turns out that if his wife was a polymorphic dragon

image text translation

(1)It was quite a coincidence that I found a clue to find her
(2)”Wait a minute, that sword trick… Where did you learn it
(3)A cave I visited thinking she must be there
(4)But there was a high-ranking devil, not a dragon, dragon
(5)I killed him with a sword technique that I had never used before because I wasn’t good enough
(6)But when he saw the sword technique, he asked
(7)”I learned it from my wife”
(8)”Wife, wife, that wife is the one we’re looking for now
(9)”It’s Goni, right
(10)”I only got married once unlike anyone else.”
(11)”Oh, my. I heard it’s dark under the wings of a dragon
(12)”What’s wrong with you?”
(13)He shouted in frustration
(14)”That sword of yours! It was invented by a dragon!
(15)It is also handed down only in certain races!”
(16)Swordsmanship that she taught me a long time ago
(17)I just thought it was a strange and unique swordplay
(18)Why didn’t I think of this
(19)”Then can we really find her now?”
(20)”That’s right! That’s right! Oh, of course, our search so far
(21)”It’s not going to work.”
(22)”What’s up with the bubbles?”
(23)As usual, he gave me a lift and said
(24)”She’s not in the mountains.”
(25)At once, clouds are flying high around our eyes
(26)The clouds were scattered by the wings that stirred hard
(27)I could see the endless sea in the distance
(28)”She’s in the sea.”
(29)He said so.
(30)”She’s a sea dragon.”
(31)A long time ago, I used to swim in a lake or valley with her sometimes
(32)But I’ve never beaten her by swimming
(33)That’s what she said each time
(34)- You’ll never win me swimming
(35)We bought a fairly large sailboat and loaded ourselves up
(36)”Can’t you just fly away?”
(37)”I knew where to go and where to fly, and on top of that
(38)”It’s not very pleasant to fly in the wind.”
(39)He’s got a nice captain’s hat, too
(40)be wearing
(41)”Oh, it reminds me of the past”
(42)”Is there a pirate in the obelisk in that memory?” Si
(43)”I did something similar. It’s much more romantic
(44)Then a sailor approached and asked
(45)”Captain, I’m ready! Let’s go!
(46)”I’ve been waiting for you! “To the blue sea!” Logan!
(47)”Yes! Let’s go!”
(48)The ship went out to sea with a loud shout
(49)I’m also heartbroken at the cries of the sea men
(50)Or is this the magic of the sea
(51)Just looking at it makes my heart pound somewhere
(52)Even a boy who used to dig up clams will be caught in his stomach
(53)the magic of dungee
(54)”Oh, I forgot something important”
(55)”What is it?”
(56)”I didn’t name the boat”
(57)”Is that what’s important?”
(58)”It’s not important. Parents don’t matter. You’re even a name to your child
(59)Are you going to be able to do it?”
(60)He’s a child
(61)I suddenly rememberedJeon
(62)Before I knew that she was a body that couldn’t sleep–the door
(63)Before I knew that I was a dragon, not a body – a sleeveless shirt
(64)I used to have such a flutter
(65)Our son’s name is Son, Oliver’s name is Olivia
(66)How can I do it’s
(67)If you don’t like it, how about Celion Celia
(68)I asked, laughing away my old thoughts in the sea breeze
(69)”May I name your boat?”
(70)”Oh, what do you think of a good idea or not?”
(71)”Olivia, the name of Celia’s boat is
(72)De”The name is Da-yeo
(73)I liked Olivia more
(74)But he didn’t seem to have my name
(75)”I’ll pretend I didn’t hear it. It’s a terrible wind. I’ll just take care of it with my experience. If it’s a name, I’d rather avoid it. My old name is possible
(77)It’s a very simple and it’s not dirty
(78)It’s a bit of a tongue… Oh, yeah!”
(79)He smiled an ambitious smile, saying that he was ready to be happy
(80)He stood high on my shoulders and gave them to the crew
(81)exclaimed to
(82)”Listen, everyone! From now on, the name of our ship is the Love Tracer
(83)That’s terrible
(84)A sailor asked
(85)”Is there a reason?”
(86)It’s… “ITZY!”
(87)The seagull made eye contact with Naolivia, saying, “Isn’t Naolivia better a hundred times?”
(88)I was hitting it and he suddenly grabbed me by the shoulder
(89)”Wubuseon-ri, but it’s so lovely that the love is the sea. I was thirsty by the mayor!”
(90)downstairs or something like that’s all
(91)There was a burst of laughter among the sailors
(92)”Oh, no wonder I’m in a hurry!You have to go! Buy a mermaid! You have to go! But… I’d let you do it if you wanted to!I don’t know if they’re doing it or not
(94)A full love ceremony is a birth
(95)”It’s not a fish, is it?” Vice-captain!”
(96)I smiled at his joking question and just did this
(97)I answered
(98)”It’s just that you’re more beautiful than any other woman you’ve ever seen
(99)”It’s going to be humid”
(100)Whispering Whispering Whispering Whispering Whispering Whispering Whispering Whispering Whispering Whispering Whispering Whispering With Oil
(102)a sharp flicker
(103)The sound of seagulls
(104)”Let’s go! Into the sea!”
(105)I even raise a rapier that I’ve never seen in my life. His voice
(106)a peal of bison
(107)I leaned against the railing alongside him
(108)”You’re very picky I’ll tell you I’m looking for a dragon
(109)Like this
(110)”I can’t do that. I’m scared of lions and dragons.” You’re scared
(111)I love you
(112)”Does the word ‘Let’s go under the sea’ boost morale?”
(113)”I think it went up”
(114)The sailors were singing a mysterious song
(115)”Let’s go, find a beautiful woman who breathes like a myth into the sea.”
(117)I shouldn’t have said it
(118)”And it’s better to eat rice, even though Doo doesn’t take it as a joke. If we go into the sea from now on, it’s usually shocking.”
(120)”No, no… Hold on. Then, let’s really go to this boat.”
(122)He hit me hard on the back
(123)His eyes were like a dragon’s
(124)It sparkled strangely
(125)”If you listen to it, you’ll lose your spirit

It turns out that if his wife was a polymorphic dragon

image text translation

(1)”Captain! Captain! Kraken! Help me! Kraken
(2)That’s it, Captain!”
(3)”Now let’s go to Kraken’s womb—“
(5)He’s way beyond human imagination
(6)As far as I know, the dragon was the loveliest thing I’ve ever known, but the second dragon I found out was the craziest creature I’ve ever known
(7)”Didn’t I tell you! We’re going underwater!”
(8)I was constantly axing a large mast at his command
(9)”What the hell is this for! Are you really going into Kraken’s stomach?”
(10)”Let’s go! Did you see a ship going into the sea?”
(11)”I didn’t see it! I didn’t see the boat running to the Kraken’s mouth!”
(12)”I saw it! And I saw a ship that went deep into the sea in Kraken’
(13)He jumped out of the steering wheel and kicked me on the anchor that I was shooting down
(14)”Okay! Keep it up!”
(15)The masts clanked at the impact and tilted forward
(17)It hasn’t broken and collapsed yet, but that alone was a great shock to the crew
(18)”Argh! Get away! Get away! The mast falls!”
(19)”There’s no place to hide! The ship will be smashed!”
(20)The ship was simply abi Kyu-hwan
(21)On the front, Kraken’s mouth
(22)a mast above one never knows when to collapse
(23)Sailors were eventually struck by a storm and lightning
(24)I was trying to jump through the waves
(25)”This is insane! It doesn’t make sense!”
(26)I’m gonna grab a crew member who’s about to cross the railing and go to the side of the boat
(27)he shouted, throwing it to
(28)”Yes! If you really want to throw your precious lives into the sea, do so! But I promise you this one thing! If you listen to me and follow me, you will all be able to spend the night with the mermaid!”
(29)”This mermaid!”
(30)Even in the fear of death, the word mermaid is very, very, very important to sailors
(31)It was so attractive
(32)”Are you sure about me
(33)”Okay! If you want, I’ll put 2 people per person!”
(34)”Two at a time!”
(35)The sailors, who were at a loss, began to calm down little by little
(36)But among them, I’ve just fallen into the sea, still terrified
(37)The sailor who was about to lose cried and wailed
(38)”I don’t like it! What’s the use of it! There are no legs
(39)Someone said, “I did”
(40)”Where did I hear that you don’t have legs?”
(41)”It’s just that people…”
(42)He raised the fallen sailor to his feet
(43)”That’s because people haven’t seen a mermaid in the sea
(44)The word “underwater” is more than any human woman I’ve ever seen
(45)You have beautiful legs. Think about it
(46)”Have you ever seen or heard of Jain?”
(47)”No, I don’t… I’m sorry…”
(48)”What should I do with the mermaid rum?”
(50)”The answer is a human male. A sailor was kidnapped by a mermaid
(51)I guess you’ve heard of it
(53)”If a Chinese character doesn’t have a bridge, it’s one night.”
(54)What’s the point of kidnapping when there’s no pay for that
(55)Yeah, maybe IVF…”Rum
(56)”It’s like a sea horse. Don’t say that to the mermaid
(57)”It’s easy to have a drumstick.”
(58)That’s what I’m saying
(59)”Why would I lie?”
(60)He magically lit a broken board to make a torch
(61)The torch that doesn’t go out even in the rain that’s
(62)Ah, yes, in a warm voice, but everyone can do it
(63)I did it with my voice
(64)”Think that a mermaid can only be made in water.”
(65)It’s not like I’m working for a night with a man
(66)It’s not like I made it for a bet
(67)The mermaid was the only one with you and her honor
(68)It’s just that…Even if I make it to walk and to stand up
(69)I will embrace you with my back
(70)There’s a moment of fear, a crew that’s gathered around a torch
(71)They gulped down their saliva
(72)There’s a bump right next to the boat
(73)My eyes closed and opened for a moment
(74)He was surrounded by sailors with two fingers raised
(75)”That’s… 2 people per person.”
(76)It was a wedge
(77)The crew’s voices ring louder than the ear-splitting thunder
(78)”2 per person! 1 per person! 2 per person!”
(79)”I will go! I’m going to see the mermaid!”
(80)Just in time, even the axe sees the light and the mast slowly collapses
(81)It’s starting to get cold
(82)I asked loudly
(83)”What can we do now, mermaid said!”
(84)When the seed smile was ripe, the torch was filled with both hands
(85)began to hand out with
(86)”Now what you’re going to do is simple!Chew on us, Ken
(87)Hold the torch high and kick it out! Don’t worry!Don’t lose! Don’t be afraid! A giant octopus!Lee has something What is it!””Two per person.” I beg you!I can’t swallow this torch. Never
(88)It’s not off, but
(89)It’s the location of “Eat or eat!”To the side of the boat!
(90)Stand at your feet and kick out whatever you want to destroy this ship!”
(91)At the same time, the ship was about to crash into the ship
(92)Your javelin thrower threw it in front of you
(93)Oh my god!
(94)The mast pierced Ken’s skin
(95)It’s a grotesque scream, making Kenji a big mouthful
(96)”Now! The door to the sea is open!”
(97)The bright faces of the expression settled down in unison in the front of the ship and began to swirl. Some fears drove off overhead without hesitation, and a torch was lifted through Kraken’s teeth to stir and swallow
(100)to chew
(101)I pushed it
(102)They fought with unreasonable faith, and they were no longer transferred to water
(103)without hesitation
(104)night wear
(105)It was the pursuers
(106)”Two per person–!”
(107)He came back to me
(108)It’s romantic.”
(109)The fact that you did something romantic, rather than piracy, last time
(110)”This is what I’m looking at”
(111)”I’m not surprised now But is it really true that mermaids
(112)The fact that there’s a crab bridge”
(113)Of course, everything I said earlier is trueAh, promise… “Myung is…”
(114)”For 21 people”
(115)I don’t know if I should say it’s amazing or dirty
(116)”Honestly, there’s a reason for these people to do it on their own.” Is there a reason why it’s possible? It’s possible enough
(117)”What else is there something strange going on?”…”
(118)He took off his long hat and patted me on the back with that innocent smile
(119)”Well… You’ll know when you go. It’s kind of weird to say it myself.”
(120)Cracken passed by Kraken’s hand, gradually calming down on the back of the bat, as well as the torches that did not shine more
(122)It’s not sweet and it’s not bright enough
(123)I was exhausted because I couldn’t hear the sound of my stay and I was blocked everywhere
(124)Does it pass by
(125)He got on the steering wheel and banged the knife-edge railingbe concentrated inHe declared
(126)”Well done, gentlemen. We’re safely in Kraken’s womb
(127)It’s here

the three literary masters of the rainy season

If my wife was a polymorph dragon

2 Are you out of your mind for buying an Elf as a sexual slavery

322nd Century Revenge of SF Martial Arts

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