BREAKINGVIEWS: Threatening to see Chinese people in China

BREAKINGVIEWS: Threatening to see Chinese people in China

image text translation

(1)Korea Economic Television
(2)China, China, and Korea in anger over reducing the sky path
(3)the state of being difficult to see
(4)Input 20230626 AM 1042 Modified 20230626 AM 1043
(5)a family of one street

BREAKINGVIEWS: Threatening to see Chinese people in China

image text translation

(1)China’s state media ports China, citing falling passenger demand
(2)He expressed blatant displeasure with the Korean flag carrier’s move to reduce its air route In the first place, he claimed that there are political factors behind the low number of passengers, and that the Korean government is not showing its willingness and action to restore relations between the two countries

Furious about Korea’s shrinking sky road due to falling demand for Chinese tourists

State media say it will be hard to see Chinese in South Korea

a threatening box

Koreans prefer not to see the Chinese

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