Why the Bank of Japan has become more passive in computerization

Why the Bank of Japan has become more passive in computerization

image text translation

(1)It’s a story when I worked for a cable TV company
(2)One day, the head of the center called me and left
(3)All of the server management teams were fired, saying, “I’ve looked at the records over the past few years and I haven’t had any server problems.”
(4)A few weeks later, I got a huge phone call from my former job, but I ignored it all
(5)Bank of Mizuho
(6)Japan’s three largest megabanks
(7)Open and Fold 1
(8)Mitsubishi UFJ Bank Mitsui Sumitomo Bank
(9)If I were to choose the biggest bank among Japanese banks
(10)Mizuho Bank to be chosen for granted
(11)Add and hire interested companies
(12)Bank of Chumizuho
(13)No. 2 in the banking industry
(14)Personality and interview 4
(15)Corporate Information
(16)801.2 billion won 202103317.473 trillion won 20210331
(17)Miyazaki Satoshi Miyakeki Yoshiyasuhara Takahikofu Foreign Bank Real Estate Rental Company’s Police Department
(18)National Pension Service Health Insurance Employment Insurance Industrial Accident Insurance
(19)19th floor of Seoul Finance Center Building, Taepyeong-ro 1-ga, Jung-gu, Seoul
(20)Financial analysis
(21)Sales and operating profit
(22)2021 sales compared to industry average 2021 operating profit compared to last year
(23)204.56 billion won, 7.473 trillion won
(24)I opened a branch in Korea
(25)It’s a big bank that recognizes the world
(26)Mizuho Bank Co., Ltd. is Japan’s Mizuho Financial Co., Ltd
(27)be affiliated with a commercial bank The acronym is MHBK. Wikipedia
(28)The CEO was headquartered in Tokyo, Japan in 2017tea ceremony
(29)CEO Koji Fujiwara April 1, 2017
(30)Founded on April 1, 2002
(31)It changed
(32)President Koji Fujiwara
(33)Subsidiary Credit Saison UC Card Mizuho Factors
(34)More Limited
(35)Founder Dai-Ichi Kangyo Bank Fuji Bank Industrial
(36)parent company Mizuho Financial Group
(37)As soon as this guy took office, what he did
(38)Exclusive Mizuho Causes 60 Employees to Decrease After New System Introduction
(39)因This possibility
(40)B31 Episode 500 Delivery 14470
(41)It was revealed on the 30th that Mizuho Financial Group FG, which caused a series of system failures, had reduced the number of employees in charge by 40 after the full introduction of the new central system The Financial Services Agency is calling on Mizuho to investigate the cause, believing that the know-how on operation and maintenance is sufficiently controlled and that the cause of the problem is also functional
(42)Even if you bring 500 coins in the photo, the deposit is a To-en fee structure
(43)The operation of the “Central System MINORI MINORI” introduced in 2019 has a total of 490 participants from group companies such as Mizuho Bank and Mizuho Research Technology as of the end of March 21 As of March 2018, when full-scale operations were in full swing, nearly 60 fewer people than about 1,140, and development managers seem to have shifted their work arrangements outside the group
(44)With the introduction of new automated systems
(45)Eliminate all server management staff
(46)When everything works
(47)Why do you think the IT team
(48)I don’t know
(49)If one of them breaks down
(50)The reason was that it hadn’t broken down in the meantime
(51)The maintenance staff will continue to take care of it so that it doesn’t break down
(52)You don’t know that it doesn’t come out when you do it
(53)Japan’s Financial Informatization revealed by the Mizuho Bank Incident
(54)Expert column input 20210303 1057
(55)The server failure that began to explode at the end of February
(56)I haven’t fixed it yet
(57)Since then, Mizuho Bank has caused seven computer accidents in 2021 alone
(58)It fosters distrust in digitalCrab


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