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It’s a very serious problem to set up a military officer on duty


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(1)Section 10 Duty on Duty
(2)Article 72 Purpose of Duty Work The purpose of duty work is to maintain military discipline, protect personnel, supplies, facilities, and prevent various accidents under the order of the commander
(3)Article 73 Classification of day duty service The day duty service shall be classified as follows
(4)One-day shift refers to a 24-hour shift on duty
(5)2 “Specific work” means work on duty on a specific mission or on a part-time basis
(6)Article 74 Organization of On-call Work (1) On-call work is the duty commander and on-call
(7)In principle, it shall be organized into deputy officers, officers on duty, non-commissioned officers on duty, and soldiers on duty
(8)② Details concerning the organization of duty duty shall be determined by the chief of staff of each military
(9)Article 75 Responsibilities of Duty Workers (1) The duty commander shall work under the command of the commander and shall act on behalf of the commander from the end of the task on that day to the start of the task on the next day The duties of the duty officer shall be as follows
(10)1 Conduct various workers, such as on-call workers and guards in the compound, manage and maintain military supplies, supervise the implementation of all regulations, and establish military discipline to prevent accidents
(11)2 Not only patrols the compound by themselves, but also order patrols to the subordinate on duty
(12)(3) In the event of an emergency, it shall promptly and accurately determine the situation and take necessary measures, and report it to the commander


1 What is written in the Ministry of National Defense’s Unit Management Order

The duty of an executive officer is essentially “the deputy of the commander during non-working hours.”

There’s only the command, but the officer’s the same

It’s not like I’m watching it all night long

2 Therefore, the duty worker has the authority to take initial measures in the event of a special matter along with his/her responsibility. In other words, a certain amount of command is guaranteed

3 That’s why things like badgers, lightning strikes, mobile strike squads, and non-shooting are issued when there is a duty officer

The Navy heard that, but the Air Force doesn’t know

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(1)Lightning team, come on! –

4 For example, when Mr. Azo was on duty, Mr. Mb shot a balloon with a gun

There were armed deserters in the neighboring army

What I had to do while I was reporting was that the commander was responsible for directing the post-occupation distribution arrangements

5 But in Korea, no matter how much a non-military person is a soldier according to justice, he or she is allowed to take such authority

That’s even the least education an officer has

That’s crazy

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