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What Japan did when our country was in trouble


What Japan did when our country was in trouble

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(1)▣ Scrubbing 昌Print Q Large and Small
(2)Published June 18, 2001
(3)Demand for Recolonization of the Korean Peninsula during the Korean War
(4)In exchange for participation in the Korean War, Japan asked the U.S. to re-establish the Korean Peninsula MBC said, “Now it’s a horse
(5)Google Ads
(6)Stop watching this commercial
(7)I can do it.” The secret behind the Korean War in Japan was revealed by the broadcast production team on the 22nd
(8)Why is this advertisement displayed
(9)Producer Park Kun-sik said on the 18th, “We confirmed through Japanese coverage on the 5th and 17th that Japan was deeply involved in the war in various fields as well as dispatching troops during the Korean War.”
(10)Yoshiro Komada, founder of the Liberal Democratic Party and leader of Japan’s right wing during the Korean War, sent a request to General MacArthur to participate in Japan, explaining the need for Asians to participate in the war, and asking him to rule the Korean Peninsula again

Japan calls for re-ruling the Korean Peninsula in exchange for the Korean War

After that, the IMF was the first to withdraw funds

What Japan did when our country was in trouble

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(1)The decisive cause of the won’s plunge was Japanese banks At that time, half of Korea’s external debt was borrowed from JapanThe first foreign currency fund to escape from Korea was a Japanese loan Japanese banks are rich

And after that, without declaring war, the export ban of the head of the small department was imposed – the previous government was so dependent on Japan at the time that it could have been a big problem

The Japanese loan industry, too

Let’s see what happens when this administration comes in

Korea was the first country to help Japan when it was difficult

Korea’s Bam on the donation list

It was about 100 billion won in Korean won

What Japan did when our country was in trouble

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