Current status of sales regulations for the company

Current status of sales regulations for the company

image text translation

(1)v3 Status
(2)Legal – Germany Austria Switzerland Netherlands Belgium Luxembourg Portugal Greece Turkiye 13 New Zealand Mexico Hungary Chile Latvia Colombia
(3)Non-criminal sellers sex buyers are not punished, only brokers are punished, and only soliciting behavior is regulated. Denmark 14 Iceland Ireland UKⓒ #Northern Ireland Excluding Italy Spain Finland Poland Czech Republic Legalization is underway Israel Slovenia ☞ Reference Estonia Costa Rica
(4)State-to-state – US 15 Australia 16
(5)Restricted Similar Sexual Activities Permitted, etc. – Japan 17
(6)In fact, only banned buyers are punished – Sweden, Norway and Franceⓒ
(7)Punish only buyers Canada 18
(8)Prohibited – Korea1 Lithuania

Green is totally legal

In fact, only legal foreclosures are punished

Jinnok Trading is allowed to engage in illegal activities. The current situation is the same as in Japan

Orange is illegal, but it’s a misdemeanor

Red. Totally illegal

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