Are you still related to each other if you’re a cousin?jpg

Are you still related to each other if you're a cousin?jpg

image text translation

(1)The controversial cut line of relatives these days
(2)Inquiry 27518 ripple 92
(3)from 1st to 8th cousins
(4)■ great-great-great-great-grandfather
(5)■ grandfather, grandfather, grandfather, grandfather, grandfather, grandfather, great
(6)My aunt, grandmother, and grandfather
(7)■ My father-in-law ■ uncle-in-law ■ uncle-in-law ■ uncle-in-in-law
(9)■ Jong-brothers ■ internal Jong-brothers ■ Jae-jong brothers and sisters ■ Jae-jong brothers and sisters
(10)the Kojong brothers
(11)Material resistance ■ internal seed 7th cousin ■ re-species production ■ children ■ quality
(12)Cousins, nephews, nephews, 5th cousins, nephews, 7th cousins
(13)■ Samjongson Internal Samjongson ■ Internal descendant Leeson 6th cousin ■ Jongson ■ Jaejongson
(14)■ maternal great-grandfather third cousin
(15)■ a paper maternal grandfather
(16)■ Oejongsook Oedangsook ■ Lee Jongsook ■ Auntie ■ Momo 1st Village
(17)one’s maternal uncle
(18)■ External brother ■ External brother ■ External brother ■ External brother 이종 heterogeneous brother
(19)■ External quality ■ heterogeneous quality
(20)My cousin. My cousin. My cousin
(21)■ ■ Lee Jae-jong’s grandson ■ Oejae’s grandson ■ Oe Sam-jong’s grandson 8th cousin
(22)(Singing “Ri-Ri-Ri-Ri-Ri-Ri-Ri-Ri-Ri-Ri-Ri-Ri-Ri-Ri-Ri”)
(23)These days, if you’re in Ochon
(24)be practically related
(25)2 Relatives legally, but not practically
(26)Legally, of course, they’really
(27)Morning Rabbit Men 2022-01-19 1515 IP 58229188
(28)They’re actually related to each other
(29)Morning Rabbit Men 2022-01-19 1516 IP 58229188
(30)What are you talking about
(31)For teaching materials 2022-01-19 1516 IP14710227
(32)Legally, they’re related, but I don’t know who they are
(33)I don’t use my tongue
(34)Even if there’s no connection between relatives these days
(35)My cousin is my cousin
(36)Homemade cotton 2022-01-191516 IP1211744
(37)When I see my relatives during the holidays
(38)Son Hye-joo 2022-01-19 1516 IP 22339210
(39)This is just a family difference. I often see my cousin and my close family
(40)There’s a house that my uncle doesn’t look at
(41)These days, we don’t have a lot of ancestral rites and we don’t come and go at all
(42)That’s what it is. They’re actually
(43)Rocket Shipping 2022-01-19 1517 IP 106254123
(44)These days, we have fewer family members, so even if we’re far from each other, we’re more relatives
(45)In the past, he had dozens of 7th to 8th cousins
(46)We see each other up to the 6th cousin often
(47)Twin Orion 2022-01-191517 IP 221155140
(48)We see each other often
(49)I don’t know about my cousin. I think of my cousin as a family
(50)If I don’t meet my cousin’s brother’s cousin, I’m totally a family
(51)In my case, I barely watched the 5th cousin’s room
(52)I often see him as a fifth cousinMy cousin’s nephew
(53)Shadong 2022-01-191519 IP 2233954
(54)Oh-chon may not have any communication. I don’t know about my normal cousin
(55)It’s harder
(56)Estelle 2022-01-19 1520 IP 397199
(57)What I see every holiday is Ochon, and I just call him uncle
(58)It’s case by case. I see you every holiday Cousins, babies
(59)If it’s me, it’s Ochon
(60)I’m legally related, but
(61)The question of whether they are related in real relationships


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