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Why modern people are vulnerable to stress


Why modern people are vulnerable to stress

image text translation

(1)We have primitive brains
(2)When you’re threatened with survival in a primitive state
(3)What I need to do is
(4)You have to use your muscles
(5)Fight with the boar or run away from the boar
(6)Then, I’ll use all the energy of the moment
(7)You have to send it
(8)That’s amygdala activation
(9)So the amygdala becomes active
(10)Our body’s energy level ↑
(11)the secretion of stress hormones
(12)It goes on adrenaline cortisol
(13)The reason why my breathing gets faster is
(14)To give oxygen to the muscles
(15)The reason why my heart beats faster is
(16)To provide nutrition and oxygen
(17)Next, it’s important
(18)not urgent
(19)digestive function
(20)I usually use 30 energy
(21)Stop the digestive function
(22)Reproductive stop
(23)Stop immune function
(24)It’s important
(25)Let’s stop the ones who can stop for a bit
(26)the condition of sending all energy to the muscles
(27)And at the same time
(28)prefrontal cortex
(29)this prefrontal cortex
(30)It’s rational, it’s rational
(31)I’m good at judging, solving problems, and being creative
(32)Shut this down, too
(33)And it makes you fight instinctively
(34)10,000 years ago, when we lived in a cave
(35)Genetically identical then and now
(36)It’s a crisis. Then you need muscles
(37)a condition in which only muscles are tightened
(38)And the prefrontal cortex
(39)There are a lot of rational thoughts
(40)judgment or problem solving
(41)Let’s lower this
(42)You just put strength in it
(43)That’s what they call a stress response
(44)That’s what activated the amygdala
(45)But if it’s actually primitive
(46)It’ll be solved in 5 or 10 minutes
(47)The problem is
(48)Or a wild boar
(49)You’re being eaten, and so on
(50)But with this brain
(51)We live in the modern world
(52)in the modern world
(53)The wild boars that activate our amygdala
(54)It won’t be solved in 5 to 10 minutes
(55)What do you call a boar that a high school student faces
(56)the college entrance examination
(57)Stress for 3 years in high school
(58)There’s been a wild boar there for years
(59)It’s coming to me
(60)There’s no room for the amygdala to sink
(61)And for those who run our business
(62)Every day, every day, every day, I’m nervous
(63)I’m nervous every day, my client
(65)These are all wild boars
(66)There’s a study like that
(67)You know, the staff members
(68)Then to the staff
(69)a boss in an organization
(70)a person with a higher power than me
(71)Activating amygdala just by appearing
(72)He’s the CEO of this company
(73)Yes, you’re the representative here
(74)Then, to all the employees
(76)Boar hhh
(77)So, what should I do
(78)In short, it’s this
(79)This modern world is
(80)It doesn’t fit the way our brains work


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