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There is no regulation on the noise of three large dogs upstairs


There is no regulation on the noise of three large dogs upstairs

There is no regulation on the noise of three large dogs upstairs

image text translation

(1)Noise between floors. Big dog conflict
(2)He’s a resident who’s been suffering death from three big dogs in his apartment I’m suffering from insomnia and mental damage due to the sound of running around day and night and night
(3)I asked for his understanding with the help of the police in the communication management office, but he even hung up the intercom
(4)I’m going to die from the upstairs I moved in with three big dogs 340
(5)I can’t rest and suffer But as the weather has gotten hotter recently, the smell of dog fish and filth is coming down to the front veranda It smells disgusting
(6)○ Painful at the sound of three big dogs running…There’s no regulation

There is no regulation on the noise of three large dogs upstairs

image text translation

(1)Noise between floors. Big dog conflict
(2)I’ve been living in a 20-pyeong apartment for 17 years
(3)My 17 daughters have been living without any problems
(4)I brought him here day and night At first, we didn’t know about this. The living room, day and night
(6)I used to wake up surprised by the sound even in the early morning Hold it in. Hold it in. Turn around without hearing a word
(7)I’m here. I can hear the pouring sound. It’s not my house
(8)Revenge in an hour
(9)The sound of running is worse OWN
(10)I didn’t lose anything I used to wake up surprised by that sound back
(11)That’s how
(12)People have been suffering from insomnia and psychological damage since they moved in. They’ve been suffering from insomnia and psychological damageBut recently, the weather has gotten hotter, and the smell of dog fish and filth is coming down to the front veranda It’s the first time I’ve ever smelled an electric car that will make me sick
(13)Painful at the sound of three big dogs running…There’s no regulation

There is no regulation on the noise of three large dogs upstairs

image text translation

(1)Recently, an online community told me that because of the upstairs that they moved in with three big dogs
(2)”I think I’m going to die”
(3)The writer, who said he had lived in this apartment for 17 years, claimed that he could hear the sound from the ceiling day and night, and that he woke up surprised by the sound even at dawn
(4)He’s suffering from the sound of three big dogs running upstairs
(5)The writer went upstairs to protest the noise, but the people upstairs said it wasn’t from their house
(6)He explained that even if he continued to file complaints with the management office, the situation did not get better, and even the upstairs cut off the intercom, blocking all communication
(7)The writer also asked the police and inter-floor noise arbitration agencies for help in the worsening noise pain, but answered that animal sounds do not correspond to inter-floor noise
(8)I heard so
(9)Under current law, noise is defined as the sound produced by human activities

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