National rules for picnic snacks for elementary school students in the 1990s

National rules for picnic snacks for elementary school students in the 1990s

image text translation

(1)an elementary school student in the 90s
(2)This is a must-have item
(3)If it’s a picnic, you have to pack this!
(4)On the night before the picnic
(5)I’m going to share snacks with my friends
(6)I was so excited while taking a drink
(7)There was a time when I couldn’t sleep
(8)If you’re an elementary school student in the 90s
(9)When I go on a picnic, I always take it with me
(10)What snacks and drinks are there
(11)Let’s recall the memories
(12)The Kid’s Cup
(13)90’s picnic snack soup
(14)The snack case
(15)the Asai army
(16)It’s plastic
(17)a product that was quite innovative at the time
(18)Sour Cool Chili Tomatoes
(19)It’s been released, and there’s a variety
(20)I’ll sue you
(21)It’s salty and spicy
(22)It’s easy to carry around
(23)Use an empty case as a pencil case
(24)Use or freeze water
(25)While drinking, too
(26)The cookie jar that I used
(27)seeped into floor connections
(28)It has a unique texture
(29)It’s called the legendary snack, Tinkle
(30)covered in chocolate
(31)Round chocolate ball snack
(32)It’s like chocolate fondue
(33)It feels like chocolate is covering your mouth
(34)a cute little doughnut snack
(35)With chocolate donuts
(36)Coco Flanut Dalk is
(37)with the sweet taste that’s stuck together
(38)It has a unique texture
(39)Crunch cereal is very sweet
(40)It’s savory
(41)I’m going to show off the texture
(42)The chocolate street is 360
(43)It’s stuck in the sweet chocolate. One bite is stuck in the refrigerator, so it’s a lunch between elementary school students
(44)I know that it’s delicious if you sleep with chomsize chocolate
(46)Historical Conference
(47)Chocolate on one side, water-patterned chocolate on the other side, and the thin, crisp texture of the snack made art chocolate teen diegwa-zest, and it was also a snack
(48)I did
(50)Eurae-meok pizza
(51)It smells like a pizza with a miniature pizza that is easy to eat at one go~ If it’s salty and sweet, it’s also delicious with Zec Vegetable Beelacker
(52)With the snack sauce
(54)Snail Cute Soda Character reduces the amount of wind red carbonic acid, so instead of the unique tangy taste of carbonated drinks
(55)a popular person of great popularity
(57)I feel like I’m drinking a light Milkis
(58)To the mystery of effect selly
(59)There’s jelly in the drinkSome friends find jelly and eat it because they don’t like the sweet taste of children’s excitement
(60)The texture of the jelly
(61)LOTTE Illac LOTTE Illac 2 LOTTE Illac
(62)More than 10 mg g a day during use more than 10 times per day
(63)”Deu-se-won-on” is shortened
(64)a rocking city
(65)Orenkg20 185㎡
(66)Freshwater 185㎡ of sand course
(67)Shake it boom boom
(68)Crunchy and crunchy
(69)The exact name is Eilak She Boom Boom. It’s cold and shakes it more than 10 times. It’s a new kind of soda. Apple flavored orange pineapple
(71)Sports Beverage V
(72)”We Never Stop”
(73)a book of sports drinks with impressive advertising
(74)It’s fun to drink on the lid
(75)It tastes similar to Pocari Sweat


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